"Funda Oral" <fundao...@superonline.com> schrieb:
> Dear Marei,
> This is also a challenge for me.....do the (my) right thing ....only for
> (my) responsibilities
> and not for "my ego" or not for (my) physical/psychological needs.

Dear Funday,

I am not sure if I got you right. But I would like to answer your mail by 
switching things a bit:
I believe ALL I do is for meeting my personal needs. And I believe this is what 
everyone always does. And that is just fine. I believe that all (human) life is 
about maximum joy and minimum pain. We only have different ways to do this.

What a person and a community learns during developement is that there are ways 
to fulfill one's needs and those of others at the same time. And that this is 
much more fun and more effective than only taking care for the ego. 
Win-win-situations they are called nowadays.

So whenever somebody else askes me to help, support, assist in a process or 
whatever (s)he is giving me the opportunity to experience me in a way I may 
like to be in. This is a gift for both sides.

That's what I ment by "there is no being on a higher level than anybody else". 
Being aware is maybe a better word than being sensual. Because I did not mean 
holding back or not being proud or not playing open. To me being aware that 
whatever I do I do to meet my needs fits perfectly with living and experiencing 
without holding back but with full engagement and joy.

And I experience that with this awareness and openess others benefit much more 
from my being than during the time I thought I was "doing good".

This may sound like an ego-trip but there is a difference. Hope I could point 
that out.

Greetings from another sunny day in Germany,

"Funda Oral" <fundao...@superonline.com> schrieb:
> "Seeing us (os-folks) as doing something esp. valuable and deciding who to
> give it to and who not to I see a big danger in that thought. Even the idea
> of 'helping others to transform' includes the own judgment that the state
> they are in now is not okay and they should change. And it seems to include
> seeing oneself on a 'higher' level. And that is something to be very careful
> about, too."
> Dear Marei,
> This is also a challenge for me.....do the (my) right thing ....only for
> (my) responsibilities
> and not for "my ego" or not for (my) physical/psychological needs.
> Still I must act, talk and live
> Sometimes it is very dangerous also to say "us (os-folks)" or "me" or
> "my"....but we also have to say that with responsibility
> because we exist somehow.
> And we shape the world with choices and decisions we make or we don't make.
> And when it's the right time I guess it is also ok "to be proud of
> something", "to share a success" of course without taking
> others'space
> Anyway, it is hard to explain but I just wanted to say;
> yes to..."being sensual" but without being afraid of living, experiencing,
> playing your role openely, by being yourself as Harrison mentioned
> somewhere,
> finding and defining "your" "my" "our" space again and again

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