Dear friends
I just had a 2-day OS-meeting where we used a computer station. Lately I´ve
used flip-charts for quite some time. Before that I used floppys - according
to "the book" (Harrisons User´s guide) and it worked great.

Using USB-sticks, I think, is a bit more tricky to people than it was to use
floppys (and now most computers can´t take floppy discs). There are so many
different spaces to save onto nowadays. And USB-sticks are also quite
expensive if one would have one for each report as when using floppys.

So I think the best way (although it is "one more thing to do") is to have
only one USB memory which the person responsible for the computer station
has (I don´t ever take full charge of this while facilitating!).

We asked the person writing the report to save it onto the desctop, calling
for the person in charge of the computer station who checks that it is
really saved there. Then saves it onto the USB memory stick and taks it to
the administrators computer for the printout... It really takes some work to
make 100% sure no report will be lost! And as said I will never do this
again as a facilitator - learning from experience some years ago when I got
stuck just before closing - not good.

Do you have any experiences to share regarding this? How do you organize the
computer station nowadays?

Another couple of things.
1. I noticed again that the computer station is quite a creative space which
sparks lots of creativity and activity. We had it in the hallway which was
between the main room and the breakouts.
2. The reports are more worked through which sometimes is quite important.
This organization got lots and lots of important ideas and thoughts
documented. Flip charts are nice with colours and sometimes drawings but not
always easy to understand and not as worked through.

What do you guys think about this?

A little more sharing about this OS-meeting. This organization is nationwide
in Sweden, 120 from the regional and national offices were gathered for two
days. We had a full day of sessions and a little more than half day for
convergence and actionplanning. 30 reports and 8 actionplans. And lots of
energy and learning. I used re-opening which becomes more and more natural
for me. Thanks for this contribution to OST, Chris and Michael.

Thomas Herrmann         Phone +46 (0)709-98 97 81
Open Space Consulting   Fax   +46 (0)300-713 89
Pensévägen 4
434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden
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