Dear Michael, Michelle, HO and Zelle
Thanks for your input, deeply appreciated. I´ve facilitated a pre-meeting
today, it´s late and I just finished the documentation, and have another
coming up Wendesday - space is opening up all over - great!
Best regards to everyone onoslist!
Thomas Herrmann

> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: OSLIST []För Zelle Nelson
> Skickat: den 13 februari 2006 21:26
> Till:
> Ämne: Re: USB-sticks and computer station during OST + some more..
> Hi All,
> In addition to using one USB stick, and saving each topic notes to the
> desktop, we always take 15 minutes to type up a list of all topics from
> the wall. That way none slip through the cracks, and you can track down
> which topic notes have been inputted into the computer, and which still
> need to be done. This list of topics can then become the table of
> contents.
> with grace and love,
> Zelle
> ************
> Zelle Nelson
> Engaging the Soul at Work/Know Place Like Home/State of Grace Document
> office - 001.828.693.0802
> mobile - 001.847.951.7030
> Isle of Skye
> 2021 Greenville Hwy
> Flat Rock, NC 28731
> Michelle Cooper wrote:
> >HI Thomas
> >At my most recent one-day OST we had 80 people creat 22 reports.
> We used the
> >USB sticks. We did as you said: one USB stick for collating all
> reports and
> >taking them to the printer station. Each person saved to the
> desktop of the
> >local computer and then the person responsible for reports
> captured them. We
> >kept a list of which reports were on what computer (numbered the
> computers
> >and kept track of who owned which computer number). The list proved
> >invaluable because when the report of proceedings was being
> collagted, one
> >topic report was missing. We were able to track it down quite easily and
> >only had a short panic. We did have a hard copy though, which
> was the fall
> >back position. I always make a second copy of the printed copies
> for myself
> >in case of disaster.
> >
> >Like you I have found that having the participants enter the reports on
> >computer lends itself to reports that are much clearer and easy
> to follow. I
> >often find people will take notes on flip chart paper and work
> as a team to
> >consolidate it. While for some they don't like to miss any time
> (which measn
> >the lunch breaks are very busy and the end of the last session
> can be very
> >busy). I often have people comment how much they like to see the
> product of
> >their discussion all typed up and posted so quickly...and in the
> multi day,
> >to take away reports with them is an exciting bonus. In a number
> of cases,
> >people go back to their home offices and get started on the
> actions in the
> >report the next day!!
> >
> >The optimal computer station is when all computers are networked to the
> >printer. When this is not the case, I "protect" the computer connected to
> >the printer and use it only for printing reports. HOwever, usually this
> >computer/printer is in the "newsroom" area and if the computer monitor is
> >busy helping someone else, someone will start their report. It is
> >challenging near the end of the day when trying to generate reports for
> >posting.....and it usually ends up being the person who wants to write a
> >thesis.
> >
> >Michelle
> >Michelle Cooper RN, MScN
> >President
> >Integral Visions Consulting Inc.
> >200 Crestview Avenue
> >Ancaster, ON L9G 1E2
> >(905)648-1220
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: OSLIST []On Behalf Of Thomas
> >Herrmann
> >Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 5:41 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: USB-sticks and computer station during OST + some more..
> >
> >
> >Dear friends
> >I just had a 2-day OS-meeting where we used a computer station.
> Lately I´ve
> >used flip-charts for quite some time. Before that I used floppys
> - according
> >to "the book" (Harrisons User´s guide) and it worked great.
> >
> >Using USB-sticks, I think, is a bit more tricky to people than
> it was to use
> >floppys (and now most computers can´t take floppy discs). There
> are so many
> >different spaces to save onto nowadays. And USB-sticks are also quite
> >expensive if one would have one for each report as when using floppys.
> >
> >So I think the best way (although it is "one more thing to do")
> is to have
> >only one USB memory which the person responsible for the computer station
> >has (I don´t ever take full charge of this while facilitating!).
> >
> >We asked the person writing the report to save it onto the
> desctop, calling
> >for the person in charge of the computer station who checks that it is
> >really saved there. Then saves it onto the USB memory stick and
> taks it to
> >the administrators computer for the printout... It really takes
> some work to
> >make 100% sure no report will be lost! And as said I will never do this
> >again as a facilitator - learning from experience some years ago
> when I got
> >stuck just before closing - not good.
> >
> >Do you have any experiences to share regarding this? How do you
> organize the
> >computer station nowadays?
> >
> >Another couple of things.
> >1. I noticed again that the computer station is quite a creative
> space which
> >sparks lots of creativity and activity. We had it in the hallway
> which was
> >between the main room and the breakouts.
> >2. The reports are more worked through which sometimes is quite
> important.
> >This organization got lots and lots of important ideas and thoughts
> >documented. Flip charts are nice with colours and sometimes
> drawings but not
> >always easy to understand and not as worked through.
> >
> >What do you guys think about this?
> >
> >A little more sharing about this OS-meeting. This organization
> is nationwide
> >in Sweden, 120 from the regional and national offices were
> gathered for two
> >days. We had a full day of sessions and a little more than half day for
> >convergence and actionplanning. 30 reports and 8 actionplans. And lots of
> >energy and learning. I used re-opening which becomes more and
> more natural
> >for me. Thanks for this contribution to OST, Chris and Michael.
> >Cheers
> >Thomas
> >
> >
> >Thomas Herrmann         Phone +46 (0)709-98 97 81
> >Open Space Consulting   Fax   +46 (0)300-713 89
> >Pensévägen 4
> >434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden
> >Email:
> >
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