Harrison, I like your thinking, probably because I'm in my 60s and traveling is getting more difficult and costly, right when my income is decreasing and my aging joints don't like those long sits in little seats! Think globally, act locally is taking on new meaning at this life stage.

I'd also like to add the global warming issue to the list of factors..... I'll bet someone knows how many pounds of CO2 is produced by a jet plane, per person, per mile.

I'm delighted to imagine another OSonOS in Camden, and this year I'll hopefully be able to stay for the whole thing. Thanks so much for doing it.


Diane Brandon, Coordinator
KEYS Coalition (CWC)
Landmark Hill Community Resource Center
518 Rte One Suite 4
Kittery, ME 03904
Fax: 207-439-8764

On Jan 19, 2007, at 11:24 AM, Harrison Owen wrote:

On of the things I have always enjoyed about OSONOS (no matter where it may have taken place) is that at the end, during the interminable "Goodbyes" people would inevitable say something like, "I'll see you here next year." Of course in the entire course of OSONOSs few have been held in the same place - which raises some interesting issues about where is "here"? Maybe
not all there??

To be sure, in the early days we did only have only ONE OSONOS. And there was a very good reason. If we had more than one gathering, there would not have been sufficient people to go around. Yes - I guess it is true that you
can have an OST with two people. But it does get a little lonely.

But the times have changed, and I really love the chaordic dance as this wonderful community (some might also say weird, bizarre, odd, or worse) responds to the changing times. The forces at play are multiple, but one is surely that there are a lot more of us in just about every corner of the world. I suppose we might have a fantastic party if everybody could come to a single place. But there are some other forces which make such a grand assemblage rather unlikely - not the least of which is that is entirely unclear just who "everybody" is???? Maybe we should have had a Membership List along with paid dues, a board of directors, CEO, staff, global budget, and of course an OSONOS Organizing Committee - which every year would render its judgment from Olympian heights as to the chosen place. The possibilities are really intriguing, and with luck we could be competing with the Olympic Committee. Site visits around the world, lots of politicking, and maybe a
bribe or two here and there. Who knows, we might turn out to be a Real
Organization? Boring!!!!

Outside of the fact that there are a lot more of us, I think there are some other factors to be considered. Not the least of these is that some of us are getting a little older and also rather set in our ways. At least that is true for me. It is a fact that I manage to travel about a bit, but it is also true that every airplane I can avoid is a positive advantage to my health and well being. As for being set in my ways - there are definitely times when I don't want to go anywhere, and I don't. So what else is new.

We could also add in economics - and the truth is that going to wonderful new place is great, but also quite expensive. And then you have the security situation we all now have to endure in which our collective paranoia has
made getting Visas difficult and sometimes in impossible.

Personally I don't see the problem. In fact I see a wonderful opportunity. We can now have an OSONOS anywhere anytime we want. All you have to do is say Come! - and whoever cares will be there. If "everybody" came, you would be swamped - so don't even think about it. And don't work too hard. As we all know, Opening Space is not rocket science - and doing an OSONOS should not be a year long task. When I did the OSONOS-by-the-Sea (which was in Camden, Maine - Michael:-)) - it took me all of 4-5 hours (total) to make the arrangements - and the fee of course was a pocket shattering $25. By the
way we are probably going to do it again and the fee will be the same.

And I definitely agree, every OSONOS should be an International OSONOS - everybody is welcome! And if the experience in Camden was any indicator, the international flavor was definitely there. To be sure, about 1/4 of the 35 participants came from within 300 miles - but there was lots from all over
the US, Canada with odd representation from OZ and the UK. And the
conversation was definitely global, and how could it not be? Theme was: "Opening Space in our lives and our World". And of course we can all be "there" (wherever there is) thanks to OSLIST and whatever else we dream up.

So I, for one, vote for more and better - whenever, however, wherever, and
with whomever. See you there :-)


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, Maryland   20854
Phone 301-365-2093
Skype hhowen
Open Space Training www.openspaceworld.com <http:// www.openspaceworld.com/>

Open Space Institute www.openspaceworld.org
Personal website www.ho-image.com
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