Dear fellow spaceholders,

Much of this discussion about the evolution of the OSonOS is about how we 
are developing as a community/organization, our relationship to our own 
traditions, and how we develop new ones.

I have attended three international OSonOS, in 2004, in 2005, and co-
hosted the last one. And have been on this list since 2001. From where I 
sit i see a second generation of spaceholders coming of age ("G2"). Might 
there also be a G1/G2 divide or gap? Don't know. I do notice that the 
discussion of the evolution of the OS on OS seems to be happening at the 
time of a significant evolution of the OS on OS, most specifically as 
represented by the OS on OS by the Sea, which maybe I'll be able to make 
this year.

Why is this relevant? I am not entirely sure but I do know that it is 
asking to be said. 

I *do* want to add another question to further complicate the mix. I 
implied in Moscow that I was not sure of the place the talking stick that 
Chris Corrigan so generously gave to the world OS community/organization 
in the OSonOS. At each OSonOS I have noticed just how unwieldy or awkward 
it has been for people to hold it. Even when we have been given guidelines 
on how to hold it, what it means, etc., people have not observed it and 
treated it appropriately. The end of the stick has been pointed up, at 
other people. Other examples galore. 

The talking stick and the OSonOS -- it has felt like an awkward fit.

I learned that I probably misused the stick in Moscow...and I'd been to 
two OSonOS'es previous. Am I just a hopeless case? Talking stick learning 
disabled as it were? 

Or...might it be time to introduce something else as a speaking object at 
the next OSonOS? Perhaps the Vancouver talking stick could stay in the 
middle of the circle as a way of honoring our Elders, but not as a 
speaking object? And maybe the hosts at future OSonOS'es could use a local 
object, something found near the grounds of the OSonOS location?

Jana, your thoughts?

warmly and in appreciation,

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