Dear Larry,
it simply is a given that there are now citybased,local, regional, international and the worldwide OSonOS / Learning Exchanges / Gatherings of the communities of practice...a complex, diverse, chaotic, orderly...movement.
I love them all, wrinkles and potholes and happy times included.
The next hands-on, huggable worldwide event will be in Kiev. As I see it, there might be, as usual, a bunch of invitations for the next worldwide OSonOS to consider in Kiev in May. In the meantime, lets organize so that there will be something like that mix of 50% locals and 50% from all over that you talk about.

In the meantime, let Lisa hear of how we support the Access Queen with its long traditon since OSonOS VIII in Berlin when several people spontaneously plunked down big bills in the closing circle eventually supporting colleagues to travel to the following OSonOS in Vancouver.

In the meantime, let us see each other in the worldmap (everybody invited!!) where there are presently 420 of us, not quite huggable but with contact data and great pictures. (Surplus supports the spread of open space through such venues as Access Queen)

In the meantime, let us put the events we facilitated or will facilitate into the now worldwide open space worldscape....which presently shows 320 events in detail with the potential of many thousands.

Off for the second "next meeting" following an event with a parish last year that spawned some amazing developments...quite characteristic of os events!!

hugs from Berlin
mmp boscop eg

Larry Peterson wrote:
I also like the proliferation of OSonOS events around the world, in
local, regional and international contexts.  I also have limited time
and financial budget to attend events.  I have enjoyed the opportunity
to travel to various locations with a good chance that there would be
about 50% from the place where it is held and 50% from around the world.

I'm working with a client that has video face to face with telemedicine
all across the Province.  I know large corporations do it across the
world so that you can see pictures as well as hear voices.  We're not
there yet in the OSWorld community.  There are real limits to
asynchronous, typed conversations for me even those they are of some
real value.
The face to face connections and support are not things I can get from a
virtual event. Hugging my computer monitor is just not the same.  So, I
support a focus on a World Wide event where the chance of worldwide
participation is high.  So I can connect to both old and new friends.
Maybe that is no longer possible in our virtual and tension filled
world, but I still want it.


Larry Peterson
Associates in Transformation
Toronto, ON, Canada

Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49-30-772 8000

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