Hello folks,

I have been silent on this list for a while and I am only writing a short comment on this topic.

I have been to Halifax and loved the decision making process there ~ and "voted" for Moscow in the end. I didn't go because something else became more important to me. When I heard that in Moscow the decision was Kiev I thought: "Geographically that's pretty ("too") close ~ okay, those who cared where there and decided ~ don't complain, Marei." Last weekend I participated in the "Lernwerkstatt" in Berlin and there I heard about the plan to host the next OSonOS in Berlin and my immediate reaction was "NO, this would be incest!!"

So I strongly support the tradition of having THE OSonOS moving around the world. And I can tell you, having it in Berlin would be very comfortable for me, just 2,5 hours by train. But I rather make sure the community stays intercontinental and we have rich annual OSonOSes all around the world.

And regarding having international OSonOSes at the same time: In OS I love the movement of morning news / evening news (whole group) and breakout session (small groups). If it was only breakout sessions I would miss a lot. As I would with many OSonOSes all over the world.

HO (meant the North American Native Indian way).


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