And indeed it was there...
  An old post on flocking and self organization.
  Thanks Chris
  Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 2002 09:47:37 -0700
Reply-To:     OSLIST <>
Sender:       OSLIST <>
From:         Chris Corrigan <>  Subject:      Web site 
on flocking, swarming and other adaptive behaviour
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

This - - is amazing.  It's a site
maintained by Craig Reynolds who developed a computer model of bird
flocks using three simple rules: avoid crowding flockmates, steer to the
centre of the flock and move towards the average position of flock
mates.  The results of these three rules can be seen in a little java
applet on the page, and then you can scroll down for a huge collection
of links on this phenomenon.

If nothing else, it helps me understand why OST participants never run
into each other.  Of course my own internal metaphor generation engine
is running full steam...



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