artur...such a great observation and perspectives.
you've helped me look back on the ost's mind journey i've gone thru..
i feel much more relieved and freeeeeer... thank you very much...
would hope to see you somewere in this os-sphere. ;-)
Love & Peace,


From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Artur
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 3:56 AM
Subject: Re: Emergence and Flocking - From the OSLIST Archives

But what I think is interesting is what can be done with 3 simple rules (or
4) concerning the relations among individuals (micro level) that allows for
a group pattern (macro level) to emerge. (I suspect that at my next OST I
will introduce a new ritual for the end based on Wendy suggestion... )
So, answering to Chris, as far as I understand, at a micro level we have
rules (or rituals) and patterns emerge at the macro level. 
Back to OST, I continue to think that we impose rules to participants. Those
rules are mostly tacit and nor the participants, neither the facilitators
are consciously aware that they are there.
Participants are invited; later they are received in a circle of chairs (not
in an U with chairs and tables); later they are invited to post issues and
still later to divide in many already prepared break out rooms, where they
have the explicit possibility to exercise the law - and so they can fly,
cross pollinate, etc. Each group is asked to write summaries, which can
later be prioritized. Etc. Etc. All the "rules" are tacit and expressed like
"OST rituals". Indeed, the fact that they are there is denied by the OST
orthodoxy. And the Law - that is the only explicit rule - is stated in
relation with some "principles" that are not rules because they are (if
anything) a consequence that emerges from the OST design and from the Law.
(Sorry to insist on that, Harrison - but see also bellow ;-).
With this formulation and the concepts that "less is more" and that "the
facilitator must be invisible" (that are true, by the way) Harrison has
covered up the fact that rules are imposed by the "OST design", and later he
also covered up the fact that he has covered up the "rules" in the first
place. This cover up is indeed one of the most interesting and important
features of OST. It gives OST that magic that allows us to say (without
lying) that participants have made everything! Or that they have self
organized, which is also true (self organization does not mean that there
are not rules. There are always rules everywhere, like gravity, as Harrison
likes to remember.).
(And now if some child looks and says "oh, but the king is not naked, he is
covered by rules, or rituals - in he only seems to be naked because he has
covered up those rules", probably, in a first thought, no one agrees with
that. I find that natural and will not insist for a second though right now
- at least not in the next two years or so ;-)
So I think that I can return to the lurking state ;-)
With all my respect and kind regards
PS: has anyone ever though why "The Four Principles and One Law" are in
chapter VII of the User's guide and not in the beginning. It is because the
previous 6 chapters have described the rules or rituals or foundations of
OST in a way that everything seems natural and not designed... I am not
criticizing; on the contrary - I am stating my admiration for this genial

Wendy Farmer-O'Neil <> wrote: 

And it can be lots of fun if you have a big group to play with.  Give
everybody the three rules and let 'em go.  After a couple of minutes you see
the flocking thing happening.  Then pull two folks aside and give them one
more rule:  head slowly but steadily towards the door.  In a couple of
minutes the place is empty.
Kind of gets the imp (small tricky spirit) going wondering what else we
could do with it?


From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Emergence and Flocking - From the OSLIST Archives
Cool...that's one of my favourite links of all time actually, and it holds
up even five years later.

I just killed five minutes staring at those little guys moving around.


On 5/30/07, Artur Silva <> wrote:
And indeed it was there...
An old post on flocking and self organization.
Thanks Chris
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 2002 09:47:37 -0700
Reply-To:     OSLIST <  <>>
Sender:       OSLIST <
<> >
From:         Chris Corrigan <> Subject:      Web
site on flocking, swarming and other adaptive behaviour
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

This -   <> -
is amazing.  It's a site
maintained by Craig Reynolds who developed a computer model of bird 
flocks using three simple rules: avoid crowding flockmates, steer to the
centre of the flock and move towards the average position of flock
mates.  The results of these three rules can be seen in a little java
applet on the page, and then you can scroll down for a huge collection
of links on this phenomenon.

If nothing else, it helps me understand why OST participants never run
into each other.  Of course my own internal metaphor generation engine
is running full steam...



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