Dear all,


After being very quiet in this community for the last year, it is with great
pleasure to inform you that after six years I finally finished my PhD
research on effective use of Large Scale Interventions (which I see as an
approach for whole system change,  including the large group intervention
methods such as Future Search, Open Space Technology, World Café, Whole
Scale Change/Real Time Strategic Change). So you may call me ‘doctor Tonnie’
now :). The Open Space world community  contributed substantially to this
research, I want to thank everyone who shared experiences and ideas with me,
on this list, in the WOS on OS in Berlin, or otherwise.


All findings are wrapped up in a book with the title ‘Building an evidence
based practical guide to Large Scale Interventions. Towards sustainable
organisational change with the whole system’. It is published by Eburon
Academic Publishers and available as paperback and as eBook (only $ 13.79)
59725034/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1306913486&sr=8-3> and
ale_interventions_ebook?language_code=en> The book offers a
practical guide with guidelines for effective use of LSI to assess
conditions before the process, enhance performance during the process, and
an evaluation instrument to evaluate effectiveness after the process.  The
first parts of the book tell the story of my inquiry in the practice of LSI
worldwide, including Open Space Technology practice, resulting in an
overview of ‘What is LSI?’, which might be a handy chapter for students or
starting facilitators. I hope to develop the practical guide in more popular
versions for divers user groups, in open source. Reactions are very welcome
on   <>


This book benefited enormously from the work and stimulating responses of
founders such as Harrison Owen,  Juanita Brown, David Isaacs, Marvin
Weisbord and Sandra Janoff, Barbara Bunker and Billie Alban. I am grateful
for their wise words and for their inspiration. Thanks!


As spin off from my research and book, an international training workshop on
effective use of Large Scale Interventions  is scheduled 17 – 19 November
2011 in Noordwijk, Netherlands. The workshop focuses on the principles and
conditions for success and on how to embed large group meetings in a larger
change process. It is not about specific recipes for Large Group Methods.
The workshop is meant for facilitators working with LSI who want to improve
their practice, an interactive master class.  For details and registration
see  <>


During my research I used large group methods for two research conferences,
as member check. An online Open Space and a life Search Conference.
Participants recognized the conferences as an innovation in action research,
so I wrote an article about it. The title is ‘Practice what you preach.
Large group conferences as member check’.  It has been published in Profile,
International Journal for Change, Learning, Dialogue (October 2011). If you
are interested, let me know and I will send you a digital copy.  

Best wishes from a sunny Holland,





Dr. Tonnie van der Zouwen MCM 

Beneluxlaan 66
5251 LE Vlijmen 
The Netherlands


+31 73 - 51 11 600
+ 31 6 - 50 69 79 82  <>



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