Bravo Tonnie,

It seems like your hard work inspires many others. Well done & Wish you well.

I look forward to read your article to be published in October. Please send me 
à digital copyright.

Vriendelijke groet
Shanghai , now visiting Singapore

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On Jun 3, 2011, at 4:58 PM, "Tonnie van der Zouwen" 
<> wrote:

> Dear all,
> After being very quiet in this community for the last year, it is with great 
> pleasure to inform you that after six years I finally finished my PhD 
> research on effective use of Large Scale Interventions (which I see as an 
> approach for whole system change,  including the large group intervention 
> methods such as Future Search, Open Space Technology, World Café, Whole Scale 
> Change/Real Time Strategic Change). So you may call me ‘doctor Tonnie’ now 
> :). The Open Space world community  contributed substantially to this 
> research, I want to thank everyone who shared experiences and ideas with me, 
> on this list, in the WOS on OS in Berlin, or otherwise.
> All findings are wrapped up in a book with the title ‘Building an evidence 
> based practical guide to Large Scale Interventions. Towards sustainable 
> organisational change with the whole system’. It is published by Eburon 
> Academic Publishers and available as paperback and as eBook (only $ 13.79) on 
> and The book offers a practical guide with guidelines 
> for effective use of LSI to assess conditions before the process, enhance 
> performance during the process, and an evaluation instrument to evaluate 
> effectiveness after the process.  The first parts of the book tell the story 
> of my inquiry in the practice of LSI worldwide, including Open Space 
> Technology practice, resulting in an overview of ‘What is LSI?’, which might 
> be a handy chapter for students or starting facilitators. I hope to develop 
> the practical guide in more popular versions for divers user groups, in open 
> source. Reactions are very welcome on
> This book benefited enormously from the work and stimulating responses of 
> founders such as Harrison Owen,  Juanita Brown, David Isaacs, Marvin Weisbord 
> and Sandra Janoff, Barbara Bunker and Billie Alban. I am grateful for their 
> wise words and for their inspiration. Thanks!
> As spin off from my research and book, an international training workshop on 
> effective use of Large Scale Interventions  is scheduled 17 – 19 November 
> 2011 in Noordwijk, Netherlands. The workshop focuses on the principles and 
> conditions for success and on how to embed large group meetings in a larger 
> change process. It is not about specific recipes for Large Group Methods. The 
> workshop is meant for facilitators working with LSI who want to improve their 
> practice, an interactive master class.  For details and registration see 
> During my research I used large group methods for two research conferences, 
> as member check. An online Open Space and a life Search Conference. 
> Participants recognized the conferences as an innovation in action research, 
> so I wrote an article about it. The title is ‘Practice what you preach. Large 
> group conferences as member check’.  It has been published in Profile,  
> International Journal for Change, Learning, Dialogue (October 2011). If you 
> are interested, let me know and I will send you a digital copy.  
> Best wishes from a sunny Holland,
> Tonnie
> Dr. Tonnie van der Zouwen MCM 
> Beneluxlaan 66
> 5251 LE Vlijmen 
> The Netherlands
> Tel.:
> Mobile:
> E-mail:
> Internet:
> +31 73 - 51 11 600
> + 31 6 - 50 69 79 82 
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