Joanne – we may get back to Krill fishing (or whatever is next down on the food 
chain).. But I think the principles still apply.




Harrison Owen

7808 River Falls Dr.

Potomac, MD 20854



189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)

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Phone 301-365-2093

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[] On Behalf Of Joanne Mantha
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2012 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [OSList] Teach Them to Fish / A Note to My Friends


I agree with your sequence as long as nobody pollutes the environment in the 
meantime and that there is still fish to fish....  Joanne


Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2012 05:18:47 +0900
Subject: Re: [OSList] Teach Them to Fish / A Note to My Friends

Abundance seems to be a sociospiritual issue of ourkind. It seems that it can 
be found only within and inbetween. - spark

2012. 2. 26. 오전 4:43에 "Harrison Owen" <>님이 작성:

Bernd – No problem. Totally understand where you are coming from. At the end of 
the day if you empower someone, by whatever means or degree – you have, at 
least to some real extent, dis-empowered them. Or at the very least, further 
encumbered their situation. All that said there are indeed times when the ONLY 
thing you can do in the moment is hand out a fish. Starving people, still less 
dead ones – don’t learn very well… to fish or anything else. However, if your 
actions end with fish distribution, or almost as destructive, you do teach them 
to fish, but then hover over their shoulders to make sure they do it RIGHT, 
well that is a different kettle of fish (sorry about that J). Maybe there is a 
sequence here – Fish Distributors, Fishing Teachers, and then “Gone fish ‘in” – 
looking for other fish to fry. Or something.




Harrison Owen

7808 River Falls Dr.

Potomac, MD 20854



189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)

Camden, Maine 20854


Phone 301-365-2093

(summer)  207-763-3261 (Personal Website)

To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of OSLIST Go 


[] On Behalf Of Bernhard Weber
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2012 1:24 AM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] Teach Them to Fish / A Note to My Friends




I have been living so long under conditions where the giver/beggar word pairing 
is not only a metaphor (Beira is the capital of Sofala province in Mozambique), 
so I had to deal with the problem also at a very practical level and on base of 
that I want to say:


I fully agree 

and would like to complete something that I wrote in my last posting in 
answering what Artur has written. 


Yes the giver-beggar relation creates conditions for helplessness and continued 
dependence and subservience. And yes, the dynamics is independent from 
altruistic intentions.

And I would complete, if you have a feeling for yourself and/or a spiritual 
perspective this means, such kind of giving is also bad for the giver, his/her 
mental costume and/or karma.


But when I wrote in my last posting: sometimes you should also give the fish 
(meaning that nobody who is starved can learn) isn't that a contradiction?

Yes it is, but

a) contradictions as such are not necessarily bad. At least they are good for 
triggering thinking processes if not for more (like being a basic ingredient 
for self-organization, this also refers to the dissence-thread of this groups)

b) it all depends on the real process. If temporary dependence is a price for 
helping out from helplessness so that further steps can follow, like learning, 
like disappearing of the giver, teacher, blurring/integrating of roles to 
teacherlearners and learnerteachers, I would say it is an acceptable price




On Feb 24, 2012, at 3:01 AM, Harrison Owen wrote:


The secondary point may be less than obvious. When you are simply handed a fish 
the conditions for learned helplessness and continued dependence, to say 
nothing of subservience are created. Even with the best, most altruistic 
intentions in the world, a fish handout has its problems. 


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