Dear Michael :-)
Theres a bit more into it isn¨t it...

Bästa hälsningar
Eva P Svensson
EPS Human Invest AB
Co owner Genuine Contact Group Inc
Medlem i Beyond Performance Group
"Verksamhetsutveckling genom människor skapar långsiktigt välmående företag och 
Anåsbergsvägen 22, 439 34 ONSALA
Besöksadress; Norra Allégatan 8, Göteborg
Tfn: 0300-615 05, Mobil; 0706- 89 85 50
Skype: eva.p.svensson
Facebook sida: EPS Human Invest AB

"Jag kan inte lära dig något. Allt jag kan göra är att ställa frågor till dig, 
och låta dig själv finna svaren." Sokrates

9 aug 2013 kl. 15.10 skrev Michael M Pannwitz:

> Dear Eva,
> if you sent me a piece of paper on which you have handdrawn a circle and 
> written "selforganisation" in Swedish into it, I will certify you for 
> whatever you want. But dont forget the 5000 Euro.
> Cheers
> mmp
> On 09.08.2013 12:34, Eva P Svensson wrote:
>> Here it comes again :-)
>> Of course you can never certify someone and by that promise that the
>> person will behave in a conform way. But I must say that I sometimes
>> have missed some sort of certificate to at least know that the
>> OS-facilitator have gone through some sort of training - not that that
>> is a proof of success or anything but hopefully that person has been
>> introduced to the essence of Open Space such as the marketplace, the
>> principles, the law etc. That said is because I have sometimes got the
>> reaction when I have talked about OST - "Oh that, we have tried open
>> space and that was nothing for us" - and as I am a curious person of
>> course I ask why, and when they start to explain how their open space
>> experience was - I can say - "that was NOT open space". There have been
>> cases where they had not had the freedom to choose topics, not have the
>> freedom to use their feet and so on. And in my fantasy there will be
>> less drifts from the original form with some kind of training followed
>> by a certificate. And of course there is no proof that the certificate
>> made the facilitator do it "the right way" we always do it our ways, but
>> still - there is some essences that needs to be to call it Open Space -
>> at least for me.
>> My 2 cents
>> :o)
>> Eva
>> Bästa hälsningar
>> Eva P Svensson
>> *EPS Human Invest AB*
>> */Co owner Genuine Contact Group Inc/*
>> */Medlem i Beyond Performance Group/*
>> /"Verksamhetsutveckling genom människor skapar långsiktigt välmående
>> företag och organisationer"/
>> Anåsbergsvägen 22, 439 34 ONSALA
>> Besöksadress; Norra Allégatan 8, Göteborg
>> Tfn: 0300-615 05, Mobil; 0706- 89 85 50
>> <>
>> Skype: eva.p.svensson
>> Facebook sida: EPS Human Invest AB
>> twitter:@EvaPSvensson
>> */"Jag kan inte lära dig något. Allt jag kan göra är att ställa frågor
>> till dig, och låta dig själv finna svaren." Sokrates/*
>> 9 aug 2013 kl. 06.45 skrev Chris Weaver:
>>> Greetings All,
>>> Ah, I can't resist jumping in to stir the pot.  It is an honor to join
>>> a thread peopled by so many folks whom I respect (and appreciate and
>>> love) so much.  I invite you to settle in for rather a long story,
>>> which may, at some point, have something to do with "certification."
>>> After learning of Open Space in Anne Stadler's kitchen, I walked
>>> around as a newbie at the OSonOS in Monterrey (the one fifteen years
>>> ago, from which Harrison was unexpectedly absent, due to a nasty flu,
>>> I believe), with my jaw hanging open to meet so many bold and
>>> brilliant facilitators (I remember especially Michael P, Alan Stewart,
>>> Brian Bainbridge, Roxy, and Birgitt Bolton) sharing stories that I
>>> sweetly strove to wrap my head at least half-way around.
>>> For a few years I engaged actively on the OSLIST as I began to
>>> facilitate some OST meetings (without even "finishing the book," as I
>>> recall) in the Seattle school where I worked as a teacher.  In 1999 I
>>> landed here in North Carolina, where I attended my first OST workshop
>>> as part of the Genuine Contact Program with Birgitt (Bolton) Williams
>>> who had recently landed a few hours away.
>>> Now I will say that I have an assumption only that at around that time
>>> there was something of a "falling out" between Birgitt and her work
>>> and the work of some other OS facilitators.  I do not know, nor need
>>> to know, the details.  But I do know that there are some points of
>>> practice that have generated some heated passion in the community and
>>> that I think are worthy of putting on the storytelling table.  (I know
>>> that there is not supposed to be a table, but I suddenly imagine
>>> myself with Jeff, Chris, Peggy, Harrison, Michael in a pub somewhere
>>> with a rough wooden table, on which I am happily uncorking a bottle of
>>> pinot noir.)
>>> When I completed the Genuine Contact "Working with OST" workshop, I
>>> received a certificate, but not a certification.  (The distinction is
>>> important because there was no intention on the workshop leader's part
>>> to evaluate my "competence" in any way.)  Based on my participation in
>>> the four-day experience, I could, if I chose, refer to myself as an
>>> authorized "Genuine Contact professional."  The workshop included an
>>> exploration of the form & essence of OST, as gifted so effectively in
>>> Harrison's /User's Guide. /The workshop also shared some suggested
>>> approaches and tools for working in depth with the sponsor of an OST
>>> meeting (usually a leadership team within an organization), both prior
>>> to and after the OST event.  My own understanding is that, by
>>> referring to myself as a GC professional if I chose, I would be
>>> sharing the simple message that I had had exposure to the approach of
>>> using OST that included these pre- and post-OST meeting practices and
>>> tools.  The choice of whether and how to apply these practices and
>>> tools was up to me.
>>> So that is the part that relates to this thread topic of
>>> certification.  As a practitioner, I honor the open-source nature of
>>> OST as Harrison's "discovery" and gift to the world.  I refer people
>>> to the /User's Guide/ (and also the /Non-User's Guide /and other
>>> community resources) frequently.
>>> As an aside, I continued in the years that followed to participate in
>>> workshops on other methodologies that are shared through the Genuine
>>> Contact Program (most notably /Whole Person Process Facilitation/,
>>> which I use very often).  I collaborated with my Genuine Contact
>>> colleagues around the world in developing the minimal appropriate
>>> structure for our international community.  I participated in many
>>> mentoring circles, completed the Train the Trainer workshop, and
>>> became one of the 43 "co-owners" of the program.  I also shifted my
>>> virtual community participation to the GC List, and dropped off of the
>>> OSLIST for a number of years.  (I am enjoying being back.)
>>> So here, the plot thickens :-).  One of the practices included in the
>>> GC "Working with OST" workshop is the use of...the "givens."  So,
>>> lubricated with wine, I am going to place the notion of givens on the
>>> wooden storytelling table for our enjoyment.  (This is worthy of its
>>> own thread, of course, but I'll just keep going here.)
>>> I have only infrequently worked as an external consultant/facilitator.
>>> Most of my work with OST has been within schools and community
>>> organizations.  Over the years, I have come to value highly the
>>> practices I learned in the GCP of working with the sponsor prior to
>>> and after an OST (and I know that among other OST facilitators, pre-
>>> and post- meetings such as these are skillfully used and valued).
>>> In my experience, the purpose of careful preparation with the
>>> sponsoring team is to assist them in considering the state of their
>>> organization.  What is the story-line that has brought them to
>>> considering an OST meeting?  What's happening in terms of the grief
>>> cycle within their organization?  What (deeply now) is the /purpose/
>>> of the meeting?  What (deeply now) is the /context? /Basically, I ask
>>> the questions, and the team has the conversations.  All this I
>>> explicitly place in the reality that when you sponsor an OST, there is
>>> not, nor should there be, any turning back.
>>> I use the givens as an essential tool in this process.  I draw a
>>> circle on a flip chart and say, If this circle represents the open
>>> space, what are the non-negotiables that form the parameters of the
>>> open space?
>>> In the past, there have been passionate objections to this practice on
>>> this list, based, I think, on the belief that to establish givens is
>>> to close the space before it is even opened.  My long-haul experience
>>> within organizations has taught me something different.
>>> What happens when I ask what the non-negotiables are is that a bunch
>>> of stuff goes up on the flip chart.  Then, I probe each one, and ask,
>>> "Is this REALLY a given at this time for this meeting?"  The fifteen
>>> givens get whittled down to twelve, and then eight, and then maybe
>>> five (ish).  As you can imagine, the level of trust that
>>> organizational leaders have in the people plays in heavily.  I let it
>>> be.  I cannot make them trust more; I can only model trust, and hold
>>> space for trust.
>>> But I also find that the few givens that remain are, every time, very
>>> important and meaningful.  Some examples:  Perhaps the organizational
>>> purpose is a given, and perhaps there is value in re-sharing the
>>> organizational purpose at the start of the OST.  Perhaps there has
>>> been a year of good work by a sub-group within the organization that
>>> has culminated in a policy that not everyone attending the OST is
>>> aware of, and that policy is a given.  Perhaps a "law of the land"
>>> that administrators, but not all participants, know about is a given.
>>> Perhaps it is a given that the organization will stay within a
>>> certain budget, and any ideas generated beyond the budget will have to
>>> include the funding source to support them.
>>> Yes, the givens are shared with the group at the start of the OST.  In
>>> my experience, this does not close the space, but rather it opens the
>>> space clearly and honestly.  More importantly, it is a tool for
>>> building trust.  When participants hear their formal organizational
>>> leaders share, clearly and transparently, what the givens are, they
>>> are more trusting that their own ideas will be honored after the
>>> meeting and not squelched.
>>> And this is what happens.  Using givens is a way to profoundly
>>> mitigate the phenomenon, with which any seasoned OST facilitator is
>>> familiar, of leadership freaking out and clamping down on the results
>>> of an OST.  The practice does not (thankfully) prevent the productive
>>> chaos and re-framing that happens after the meeting, but it greatly
>>> reduces the phenomenon of /reactionary fear/ on the part of formal
>>> leadership.  The result is that leadership is more inclined to sponsor
>>> another OST soon, and indeed to invite other groups withing the
>>> organization to utilize OST themselves.
>>> Perhaps because I have worked inside organizations for many years, I
>>> have a deep respect for the challenges that formal leaders face.
>>> Perhaps an organization is possible without any formal leaders, but I
>>> have not yet encountered this.  In the school where I work, there is a
>>> fragile and indeed even tender respect for our formal leaders whose
>>> responsibility it is to hold the space for the organization in the
>>> community.  When leadership is in its integrity, followership is a
>>> natural and beautiful thing.
>>> Okay, I will pour the last of the bottle into all the glasses.  Sadly,
>>> I won't hear your fine words until tomorrow, but so it is, according
>>> to the odd and illusory parameters of space & time.
>>> Take Care, with Love,
>>> Chris
>>> On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 8:21 PM, Donna Read
>>> <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>    Amen to that, Harrison!  Blessings, Donna
>>>    Sent from my iPhone
>>>    On Aug 8, 2013, at 17:36, "Harrison Owen" <
>>>    <>> wrote:
>>>>    Jeff – as a sometime perpetrator and totally confused
>>>>    (certifiable) I can attest that if at any point I were to
>>>>    intimate that I actually knew what I was doing, that would be a
>>>>    significant error. However I feel quite comfortable in my
>>>>    not-knowing if only because the “process” (OST) is not something
>>>>    I “do.” Under the best of circumstances my contribution is to
>>>>    invite folks to do what they already know how to do – to be what
>>>>    they already are. It always works, and it works even better when
>>>>    I get out of the way. ____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    Harrison____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    Harrison Owen____
>>>>    7808 River Falls Dr.____
>>>>    Potomac, MD 20854____
>>>>    USA____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)____
>>>>    Camden, Maine 04843____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    Phone 301-365-2093 <tel:301-365-2093>____
>>>>    (summer) 207-763-3261 <tel:207-763-3261>____
>>>>    __ __
>>>> <> ____
>>>> <> (Personal Website)____
>>>>    To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
>>>>    of OSLIST Go
>>>> to:
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    *From:*
>>>>    <>
>>>>    [] *On Behalf Of
>>>>    *Jeff Aitken
>>>>    *Sent:* Thursday, August 08, 2013 7:17 PM
>>>>    *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
>>>>    *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Certification?____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    having been trained by the motley lot who dreamed up this stuff,
>>>>    i can attest that even that great privilege does not mean that i
>>>>    know much or should be let near the folks in your organization.____
>>>>    ____
>>>>    jeff.____
>>>>    On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Peggy Holman
>>>>    < <>> wrote:____
>>>>    To be certified confused…where do I sign up? ____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    Chris -- thanks for your decidedly clear and unconfused comments
>>>>    on certification. ____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    I seem to recall in some past conversation that rather than
>>>>    certification, lineage is alternative to the client conundrum of
>>>>    who am I hiring?  To be trained by the creator, or by someone who
>>>>    trained with creator, on down the line seems to have worked for a
>>>>    variety of practice traditions through the ages.____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    Still no guarantee, as Chris noted below.____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    appreciatively,____
>>>>    Peggy ____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    On Aug 8, 2013, at 10:35 AM, Chris Corrigan
>>>>    < <>> wrote:____
>>>>    ____
>>>>    Ohh I love this topic too, because as we go on and on it becomes
>>>>    clearer and clearer to me that Harrison's original idea (which
>>>>    predated Open Source) was sheer genius.  There is an expression
>>>>    in english: "Closing the barn doors after the horse has left."
>>>>     It's too late to certify people in Open Space Technology, and
>>>>    thank God! ____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    You simply cannot certify people as a way to protect the brand
>>>>    and the reason is simple.____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    Certification is based on an industrial quality assurance model
>>>>     In other words, every product leaving the factory is guaranteed
>>>>    to work the way we say it is going to work.  If it doesn't you
>>>>    can have your money back and we'll give you a new one that works.
>>>>     Every product can be tested before it leaves the factory to be
>>>>    sure it works reliably,____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    You simply cannot do that with facilitators.  No amount of
>>>>    certification will guarantee that a client will get what they
>>>>    want every single time.  And a facilitator taking a single
>>>>    training in Open Space or some other method will by definition
>>>>    NOT be perfect leaving the factory.  You need to develop a
>>>>    practice, and even still there are contexts and situations that
>>>>    will challenge and surprise you.  "Be Prepared to Be Surprised"
>>>>    is the only certification I can reliably give to anyone that has
>>>>    trained with me.  We are not engineers, architects or doctors.
>>>>     We are people whose skill is in responding well to myriad and
>>>>    changing contexts.____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    The International Association of Facilitators went down this
>>>>    route.  I have seen some horrible facilitation done by people who
>>>>    are certified by the IAF.  So much so that I have no faith in
>>>>    that certification as standing for anything.  It is a worthy idea
>>>>    but it simply cannot be implemented.____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    Open Space is a brand like brainstorming is a brand, like using
>>>>    markers and flipcharts is a brand, like parliamentary procedure
>>>>    is a brand.  In a few more decades, with any luck, the world will
>>>>    have forgotten where it all came from and it will just become a
>>>>    basic operating system of groups.  In the last 10 years that
>>>>    prospect has really come on as people have stolen, mashed up,
>>>>    mixed together, modified and redesigned Open Space Technology.
>>>>     Participatory process is becoming an acceptable way of doing
>>>>    things, and will only become more so.  Most conference goers for
>>>>    example are now able to report on conference evaluations that
>>>>    they would have rather had a world cafe or an Open Space than a
>>>>    keynote address.  I see it all the time.  There is a fluency in
>>>>    the world with this method and others.____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    I fundamentally distrust anyone who makes a concerted effort to
>>>>    certify Open Space.  If Harrison Owen, the guy that put it all
>>>>    down on paper, refuses to do it for excellent reasons, then I
>>>>    wonder what gives anyone else the right to do it. ____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    And for me that is a terrific example of how to steward something
>>>>    that really has an impact in the world.  Offer it up and let it
>>>>    go and only defend it from those that would try to own it.
>>>>     Thankfully Open Space Technology I think is at a place in the
>>>>    world where it defies ownership.  Anyone who tries it will simply
>>>>    be laughed off the stage. ____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    Chris____
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    __ __
>>>>    On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Kári Gunnarsson
>>>>    < <>>
>>>>    wrote:____
>>>>    I love the Certification dialogue and I think that the recurrence of
>>>>    the dialogue is necessary. As I have looked around of things that
>>>>    trace there roots to open space or give the impression to be similar
>>>>    is some way. Some of these processes have the Certification hierarchy
>>>>    protecting the Quality of the Brand and the revenues steaming
>>>>    from the
>>>>    property that the brand name is.
>>>>    The hierarchy of the Certification process associated with Brand
>>>>    names
>>>>    is a way to close space and create tension witch in turn will
>>>>    fuel the
>>>>    flow of cash from the people that can pay, excluding the people that
>>>>    can not. It is an exercise in creating a closed system to fuel a
>>>>    business plan. And naturally, any start up consultancy offering some
>>>>    tools will need some flow of cash to pay the phone bill.
>>>>    When I was at Wosonon in Berlin back in 2010, I head one participant
>>>>    saying. "You always have the clients that you deserve".
>>>>    By knowing that the space for clients is well open and the law of
>>>>    mobility is active from them is perhaps a little scary. This
>>>>    scare can
>>>>    be remedied by letting go of the outcome and commit time to
>>>>    prepare to
>>>>    be of more benefit for my future clients.
>>>>    Here I have opened up many lines of thoughts that stay with me when I
>>>>    think about this topic. What I would like to have written down is
>>>>    some
>>>>    sort of vision on how to go about using the open space as a central
>>>>    idea and core philosophy in a practise.
>>>>    On Certification, my vote would go for "no central
>>>>    Certification", but
>>>>    I don't mind that various offspring's of Open Space go ahead and
>>>>    create there own brand name with the associated cash flow headaches
>>>>    and salaried sales staff of Certification trainings in there bid to
>>>>    get a bought with a handsome cash out from lager companies.
>>>>    That said, I would like to see more people get interested in the
>>>>    "boring" methought of meeting, working and begin together called open
>>>>    space.
>>>>    By the way, I am bored to tears by people hearing about open
>>>>    space and
>>>>    begin pissed off by the way open office layout (also called open
>>>>    space
>>>>    in my country) has been ruining there work experiences.
>>>>    This is starting to be a long rant, Ill stop now.
>>>>    With the breeze from Iceland
>>>>    Kári____
>>>>    On 8 August 2013 14:50, Harrison Owen <
>>>>    <>> wrote:
>>>>    > Certification (whatever that might mean) seems to be a
>>>>    perennial topic. I
>>>>    > suppose that is understandable, but for myself it is a horrible
>>>>    idea. My
>>>>    > reasons are several. First of all it is too much work. The
>>>>    thought of
>>>>    > developing the criteria, programs, and even worse, “protecting
>>>>    the brand” is
>>>>    > totally exhausting. We’d have to have certifiers to certify the
>>>>    certifiers
>>>>    > and so on ad infinitum. Second reason – Open Space seems to be
>>>>    taking care
>>>>    > of itself. When folks come on with “A little Open Space,” “Sort
>>>>    of Open
>>>>    > Space,” “Modified Open Space,” ... the participants (increasingly)
>>>>    > understand that they aren’t getting the genuine article—and say
>>>>    so. I recall
>>>>    > one instance where a large gentleman stood up in the middle of
>>>>    the “program”
>>>>    > and loudly proclaimed, “This sure ain’t Open Space! I’m out of
>>>>    here.” And he
>>>>    > walked. I guess you could call that “Market Certification.”
>>>>    Best of all  ---
>>>>    > it works all by itself. One more thing not to do!!
>>>>    >
>>>>    >
>>>>    >
>>>>    > Harrison
>>>>    >
>>>>    >
>>>>    >
>>>>    > Harrison Owen
>>>>    >
>>>>    > 7808 River Falls Dr.
>>>>    >
>>>>    > Potomac, MD 20854
>>>>    >
>>>>    > USA
>>>>    >
>>>>    >
>>>>    >
>>>>    > 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
>>>>    >
>>>>    > Camden, Maine 04843
>>>>    >
>>>>    >
>>>>    >
>>>>    > Phone 301-365-2093 <tel:301-365-2093>
>>>>    >
>>>>    > (summer) 207-763-3261 <tel:207-763-3261>
>>>>    >
>>>>    >
>>>>    >
>>>>    > <>
>>>>    >
>>>>    > <> (Personal Website)
>>>>    >
>>>>    > To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the
>>>>    archives of OSLIST
>>>>    > Go
>>>>    to:
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>>>>    --
>>>>    Kári Gunnarsson
>>>> <>
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> -- 
> Michael M Pannwitz
> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
> ++49 - 30-772 8000
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