Thanks for your clarification, Chris. I still have doubts about
that matter, but that’s ok. Now at least I understand your distinction. 

And thanks for mentioning the situation in Portugal, Suzanne. Soma
data, to make you an update of the situation in the South of Europe:

From 2011 to 2013, in Portugal, liquids wages (after taxes) for
civil servants and pensioners pensions were cut, in many cases, by 25%.

Unemployment is nearly 17%. Again, huge amounts of Portuguese people
(but this time the most highly skilled) are emigrating. Because of all this,
the working conditions for the others are now worse than before the democratic 
revolution of 1974....

As many young people (20-40 years) are unemployed, are often
pensioners who have to feed their children and grandchildren with their 
lesser pensions….

And the State debt to our "kind" suppliers of money (IMF, EU, etc.) 
isincreasingevery year - and not the contrary. 

Worse conditions occur in Greece, and are slightly less severe
in Spain (but unemployment is greater than 20% in Spain…). 

[Please see also a cartoon that I have displayed today in my
Facebook page - with English translation…]



 From: Suzanne Daigle <>
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [OSList] Fwd: Certification?

Dear Chris, 

Thank you so much for sharing this initiative with us. Thank you Artur for 
asking the question which led to Chris' response. As far as I'm concerned, what 
is happening in North Carolina is a microcosm of what is happening in America 
and in the World. 

I read theNYTimes article and listened to Dr. Reverend Barber's video and I was 
inspired and moved to the core by the words, the message and seeing the 10,000 
people (families, all races of all ages together) gathered in Pack Square. 

Chris, you said: "I might have slept through this too". This too speaks to my 
core. Another wake up call for me about what is at the heart of Open Space that 
gives me purpose and hope plus a simple process to guide me that I can return 
to when I feel confused and alone. Not a panacea but a way to remind myself 
that if I can somehow help break the isolation and solitude in small and big 
spaces, it is something.  

I have been so disheartened by what has been happening in the world, 
what happened to the now bankrupt 100+ year forest products company (lumber and 
paper) where I 
worked and the small town (all white, mostly French Canadian) where I lived for 
so many years. Where honest middle class people worked hard, raised their 
family and could look forward to a modest pension in their last years. No more! 
 It was troubling to see people in their 70s and 80s lose 35% or more of their 
small retirement income, for them to see that their children and 
grand-children, many well educated whether a blue collar or white collar job 
had no jobs or had no choice but to seek employment elsewhere and even then...! 

The same is true in North, textile, railroads and so many 
other places including Artur's Portugal. 

Perhaps it is no coincidence that the Civil Rights movement deeply affected 
Harrison too. Perhaps it was not just the two martinis and him noticing the 
energy and spirit of the coffee breaks at those big national conferences that 
he spent weeks and months organizing that led to Open Space.

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