[This was (in unfinished form) in my drafts after so long that it
is probably useless now. But we never know for sure...]
Sorry Lisa and all, I have changed the subject again...
It is common in this list to go again and again to some topics.
And that is a very good practice, because it allows us to review our
convictions and assumptions from time to time. And the questions that Dan
formulated are very good, indeed.
But, in my opinion, it is also interesting to keep track of
what has been previously discussed. This topic reminds me of many dialogs in
the past but, in my memory, the most clear is a discussion about the
"Foundations of OST". If one goes to the Archives and makes a search
for "foundations" one will discover 10 messages, dated from 2009, all
with the subject «Anti Laws of OST -
Foundations of OST?» ;-)
If I may repeat myself, during that dialogue (and other similar
ones in the same period) I have tried to clarify (mainly to myself) what are
the preconditions that are needed so that we can say that an event is
"facilitated in OST”.
During the same period (2009) I have done some experiments of my
own, based on Harrison's assertions of "one less thing to do" and
that "the principles are something that always happens" (if the space
in really open).
The first experiment: in a series of events, during the opening, I
have not mentioned the 4 principles at all (they were 4 at the time) but I
have mentioned the law - and the events were similar to all the others (where I
mentioned the principles). In only one experiment I have not mentioned neither
principles, nor the law: all worked almost like the others, but I found that a
much lesser number of people were bumblebeeing or butterflying around. So I
decided not to repeat that experiment.
My conclusions at the time: to state the principles is not
needed to have an OST event. But to state the law is helpful.
So, I wondered what the preconditions (foundations) are really
needed so that we can say that a certain event is an OST event.
If you want to see the musings at the time, go to the Archives. If
you consider that it could be of interest to have a new dialog about that and
review that list, please do so. I will catch up wend I will have some free
On Sunday, October 6, 2013 7:01 PM, Harold Shinsato <har...@shinsato.com> wrote:
Dear Michael,
Thanks for clarifying. I don't have the answer, but I have another
question. As a successful practitioner of OST who has facilitated
many open space events and has supported other facilitators
towoards sustainability in holding open space events for clients -
how do you invite, engage, [insert whatever verb you want] your
sponsors to bring you into their organizations?
On 10/6/13 9:59 AM, Michael M Pannwitz wrote:
Dear Harold,
>inviting folks is per se a grand idea.
>What they are being invited to is a vast spectrum.
>Who does the inviting, too.
>As a facilitator I dont invite folks to an open space event, as a
sponsor, sure.
>Often I talk about the nature of the invitation and the nature of
open space with the sponsor or the Planning Group as I see it in
my limited ways.
>When talking with the sponsor I also talk about Life and Spirit as
stuff that are essential to groups, organisations and systems,
with an emphasis that they are definitely present (otherwise the
group, organisation or system would be dead) and could do perhaps
better with some loving tender care.
>And I talk about selforganisation, reminding myself that
selforganisation is something I see all over, of which, however, I
know nothing (a little bit about preconditions) and probably never
>Looking at it that way, my question is
>How could seeing Open Space as a game help me in my work as
facilitator (working with a sponsor) to expand time and space for
selforganisation to unfold in the gathering planned? (keeping in
mind what people are gathering for in open space and that it is a
good idea to be prepared to be surprised).
>Have a sunny Sunday evening
Harold Shinsato
twitter: @hajush
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