Hi I am very pleased to read your mail! I find this extremely interesting!
I am using graphic facilitation in my work with groups also since 2 years
or so but now more and more!
Just last night I facilitated a meeting using graphics as one of the
elements. The other one was something like action learning groups. We
started at 19:00, we were only a group of strangers. The time to end was
21:00 at that moment I had a group of people who did not wanted to leave
the place so soon. They were talking and talking, like real new friends
until 10:00 PM. It was amazing! I can send you some picture I took of the
drawings. Where are you?
I think that your idea is really powerful! I thing that we are mixing
things that are very complementary and very useful!

Adriana (In Montreal)

2014-06-17 2:24 GMT-04:00 Arno Baltin <>:

> Dear Open Minds and Hearts!
> I had wonderful experience to open Space with friends, graphic
> facilitators.
> As the client was a bit in trouble to state the Question/Problem in one
> sentence (the invitation included about 5 sentences which called invitees
> to share they thoughts on how, where and why should we (Tallinn University)
> move on keeping in mind year 2020. The results should become the input for
> mid-range strategic plan. So as there was no consensus on this "one
> sentence" I asked my friend to draw the Question.
> You can see the results via the link
> <>
> (The Question is the last photo in the row.)
> I am curious if anybody has tried this route already and what are your
> experience with inviting graphic facilitator to OS.
> Be well!
> Arno
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Adriana Díaz-Berrio Ph.D. CRHA
(514) 739 2268
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