Hello, Arno and others -

I am one of those who analyzes and reflects about anything that someone 
(including me) wants to add or adjust in participant-driven dialogue forms, 
including Open Space.

What of wha-we-would-loveto-add might shift the participants’ own dynamics, 
what looks like it adds but for which there may be an ‘offset’ to consider, 
what does that then mean and so on.
An Open Space / World Cafe / etc. group is a living system, so I think how that 
thing-they-or-I-wish-to-add may affect that system. Not that it is good or bad, 
just that... Even if I or my client like something ourselves, for our own way 
of working - I feel it is valuable to reflect on why's and what-ifs.

So for example: Here is what I think about when I think about inviting a visual 
documenter to an Open Space meeting.

- In the Opening Circle / agenda co-creation section, participants are 
*already* writing topics in their diverse handwriting, in diverse marker 
colors, and naming in their diverse voices what are their topics, as they post 
them on the wall (kinesthetic, graphic, relational, other modalities included). 
So I am imagining that there is not the need for a visual documenter at this 
point in the meeting. 

- Discussion sessions: A visual documenter cannot hear all the discussions, so 
would be perhaps a roaming documenter / would document a sample. Is this 
useful? Does this add? I still would have participants writing their own text 
as in any process I am using for participant-driven work (Open Space included) 
- I want documentation to be ‘owned’ by participants - both so it is in their 
‘voice’ and so they step up to that wonderful shared co-responsibility. Not a 
reason to use or not use a visual documenter, just something I would think 
about. And I always invite participants to document in the way they see things 
- via text, mapping the conversation, sketching, poetry - whatever they feel 
best documents their conversations. 

- I have seen people use documentation forms for participants (not in Open 
Space but in other small group discussion work) that is a visual template for 
taking notes. Would this be useful, helpful, collect more or deeper 
documentation than a non-visual template - these are the things I would think 
about. When I see for example flip-charts used I find that often the images 
there make more sense to the people who were actually in the group. So even if 
I had a visual template I was using for the participant groups I might also 
encourage text. So the knowledge they are sharing would be more universally 

- Am I thinking of using / adding an element just because *I* like it / find it 
comfortable / think people *should* be enhanced by it? If so, it is oh-so-often 
about me (and my wishes for them), rather than about them.

- Documentation design: Is the visual report / photos, etc. accessible to all 
participants? Do they all have access to graphics, or pdf files, or computer 
time for viewing photos? Can they show those back to their funders / 
supervisors if needed? Is the information easily in their hands post-event? 
Does the overall documentation tell the story of the conversations? Do they 
‘own’ the creation of it, if possible - do they play a major part in creating 
it / making sure it says what they meant and said?

- Closing Circle: Here is one of the times when a visual documenter can hear 
what is happening across the room - as participants reflect upon their 
experience. I always have someone scribe these closing comments as I feel it is 
incredibly useful to the participants and the client. So I always include that 
in the documentation design. I say “I” but of course all these things are 
discussed and reflected upon by myself and my client / client team. Closing 
Circle is a time when to me it is sometimes useful for a visual documenter to 
capture images, patterns, themes - as some really great visual documenters can. 
And that -plus- the text of the participants’ closing comments and reflections 
may be a multiple-modaility way of showing participants’ thoughts back to them.

- Resources: A visual documenter deserves to be involved in pre-work meetings 
(or at least see emails / receive ongoing notes) - instead of simply walking in 
the room when the meeting starts. They, too are skilled consultants. They see 
things through a different lens, can add thoughts, and most importantly, their 
knowledge of the pre-work conversations informs their work at the event. They 
too deserve payment, and ideally, at market rate. Does the organization have 
funding to pay them what they deserve for these hours of work, experience and 
expertise? Something to consider as well.

All of these are things that come to my mind when this possibility or offer 
comes into discussion with my clients for upcoming dialogue events - Open Space 
or otherwise.

Thanks for inviting the question…


On Jun 16, 2014, at 11:24 PM, Arno Baltin <a...@tlu.ee> wrote:

> Dear Open Minds and Hearts!
> I had wonderful experience to open Space with friends, graphic facilitators.
> As the client was a bit in trouble to state the Question/Problem in one
> sentence (the invitation included about 5 sentences which called invitees
> to share they thoughts on how, where and why should we (Tallinn University)
> move on keeping in mind year 2020. The results should become the input for
> mid-range strategic plan. So as there was no consensus on this "one
> sentence" I asked my friend to draw the Question.
> You can see the results via the link
> (The Question is the last photo in the row.)
> I am curious if anybody has tried this route already and what are your
> experience with inviting graphic facilitator to OS.
> Be well!
> Arno
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