Dear Arno,
my experience has been that every additional person next to me (or when I was present in events I did not facilitate) tended to reduce the focus of the participants on their own devices. This has been true for co-facilitators, translators, visual facilitators, facilitators in breakout session, special folks for recording the ongoings in breakout sessions, etc. These roles probably are of their own of value in many other kinds of gatherings but seem to reduce the self-organized action orientation that I think is an essential characteristic of os events.

In my practice, I have always given a lot of attention to participants of the Planning Group to do the work required by themselves. This has almost always led to them finding their "Theme"--- and I remember a couple of incidents where the groups vision of the theme was so wickedly complex that it took the form of a group mindmap which appeared not only in the invitation but also on the cover of the documentation.

Focusing the work of the Planning Group in this way has always been a robust way to get into the "os-mode", even though the Planning Group work is not an "os-event".

What I also noticed is that while the final form of the "Theme" is sometimes funny, interesting, deep, shallow, insignificant, totally to the point, passionate, mind boggling, or boring (this is all from my point of view on which I progressivly paid less and less attention). To put it briefly, the form or content of the Theme as such appears to be of little consequence to the os-event, who all is attracted, on the outcome or on what actually grew into action. It seems, that the process of the Planning Group participants (of which the client is one, of course) of carefully going through all the various notions and collectively planning the event all by themselves is an important ingredient to transform the Planning Group intoa a group of passionate invitors.

This, mind you, does not prevent clients (rarely) to snake up to me at the end of a Planning Group process and ask:
"Do we really have to use the Theme that the group came up with?"

Greetings from Berlin
Got to run for the match Brazil-Mexico
(they do have a referee!!!)


On 17.06.2014 08:24, Arno Baltin wrote:
Dear Open Minds and Hearts!

I had wonderful experience to open Space with friends, graphic facilitators.
As the client was a bit in trouble to state the Question/Problem in one
sentence (the invitation included about 5 sentences which called invitees
to share they thoughts on how, where and why should we (Tallinn University)
move on keeping in mind year 2020. The results should become the input for
mid-range strategic plan. So as there was no consensus on this "one
sentence" I asked my friend to draw the Question.
You can see the results via the link

(The Question is the last photo in the row.)

I am curious if anybody has tried this route already and what are your
experience with inviting graphic facilitator to OS.

Be well!



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