Fabulous Gerardo - 

I am sad to say that I will not be able to join you in Belgrade in September.
I had to plan more in advance because of the complexity of client care, 
finances, self care, and family care.

So I send you all a big hug - and perhaps some of you may wish to represent me 
with some Access Queen activities at the WOSonOS such as our tradition of 
having a Global Village Marketplace and a Silent Auction at the event, to 
generate resources, awareness and community for the following year’s Askers. 
For those of you who are not yet familiar with Access Queen - it is my ongoing 
project to help raise this awareness and community and resources at each 
WOSonOS. People coming to the conference bring and buy from each other 
beautiful things - from clothing to art work to poetry to services - exchanging 
culture and energy and then that money goes into a resource pool to help people 
of different financial abilities get to WOSonOSs. 

So if some of you who register wish to do this at the event, let me know and I 
will send you the information about lessons-learned and signage and such.

Thanks dears, and to those of you who are my dear friends who I will miss - and 
my new friends whom I have not yet met - I raise a virtual glass of (red) wine 
to you as it may be a little longer until we are once again (or first) to meet 
in person.

And I know you will have a most wonderful WOSonOS hosted by the delightful 
Jasmina and colleagues…


Lisa Heft
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
President Emerita, Open Space Institute US
Fellow Emerita, Columbia University Center for International Conflict Resolution
Opening Space

On Jun 19, 2014, at 6:02 AM, gerardo de luzenberger <x...@loci.it> wrote:

> Faboulous Lisa, thanks for your insights, passion and responsability.
> I hope to see you in Belgrade in september
> hugs
> ge
> Gerardo de Luzenberger
> Mob: +39 3293281343
> Tel: +39 02 89751746
> Fax: +39 02 87151318 
> Skype: gerardodeluz – x...@loci.it 
> IAF: Certified Professional Facilitator
> geniusloci
> facilitation & development
> www.loci.it – i...@loci.it http://www.flickr.com/photos/geniusloci/
> Scuola Superiore di Facilitazione
> www.scuolafacilitazione.it 
> 2014-06-19 14:52 GMT+02:00 Lisa Heft - <lisah...@openingspace.net>:
> Thanks, Eleder - our mutual exploration always opens up ideas, doesn’t it?
> I re-read my note about Closing Circle. Because we all speak different 
> languages, I realize it might be useful to some of you whose first language 
> is not English for me to define a word, and to further clarify one of those 
> sentences. So to be clearer, I want to say I always scribe (as in have 
> helpers or myself capture all of the participants’ exact words, in text, of 
> what people are saying in) Closing Circle *and* it is sometimes *also* useful 
> for a visual documenter to capture images, patterns and themes. I have 
> corrected the text in my message below.
> Let the sharing continue…
> Lisa
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