Skye, those are some good vibrations!

Wow Harold. So far Lisa Heft, Anne Stadler, yourself and myself are using the a-word repeatedly on OSLIST.

On what authority are we using the a-word? Where does it come from?

Is the a-word now "white-listed" here on OSLIST?

Quote from you, below: here you go... /again/...
"...I'm also grateful that you have highlighted how OST makes it easier to learn our own self-/authorization/. "

On 11/30/14 12:02 PM, Harold Shinsato wrote:

I like this topic with which I shall shortly engage, but first a word from your techie list manager.

If you receive digests and you hit *REPLY*, every single message from the digest will be included in your reply and there is a very good chance your post will not get through because of size. PLEASE after you hit reply consider trimming all the unnecessary stuff from the digest. This is also true for threads that get exceptionally long. Best to trim all the repetition. We don't want to start pushing huge emails through to 800 email boxes. The OSLIST could start being tagged as a spammer, as well as potentially jamming up other peoples boxes so they run out of space. Also - if you get digests - consider changing the subject back to the message you are responding to. It is not just kinder to the current readers, but it also makes your input easier to find for posterity.


Thank you Anne for starting this particular angle of the topic of self-organizing! I'm so grateful for the Spirited Work you did for years and how much it has influenced this community. I'm also grateful that you have highlighted how OST makes it easier to learn our own self-authorization. I'm appreciating more and more how much authority is a key piece in understanding how OST works, and how to better apply OST with are more conscious awareness of what authority is and how it works.

Daniel - I confess I've not studied Stigmergy in detail - but it looks interesting (which at least from my perspective, if you point something out it usually offers great value for me as a topic worthy of further study). But I especially like your conversation and, *meditation*, on music. It fits so well some of the unnecessary strains I see in our community frequently. I'm not a big fan of jargon - but there is something beautiful in the general whole experience of music separate from the consciousness of the details, how it works, the vibrations, etc. And there's also something wonderful in recognizing the detailed mathematics.

A philosopher/physical-therapist/cranial sacral practitioner who like me has studied African drumming - recounted a story of an east Indian musician who came up to a muscian and communicated appreciation of the person's playing by saying "I really enjoyed your calculations".

There's a joke about the Buddha asking a street vendor to "Make me one with everything". I'm waiting in SLC waiting for my next flight, remembering reading a Buddhist magazine (Shambala Sun) on the first leg of my journey. It is interesting reading the *detailed* distinctions available in Buddhist thinking for consciousness, some of which might seem like "jargon". But I found the distinctions from the articles by Thich Nat Hahn and others very useful.

No question - Jargon can be divisive. I remember walking with classmates in college where a few of us were computer geeks. It was like we were talking a foreign language. And yet, it's not like our language is mere buzzwords and posing and looking important. If you've witnessed this, there's great joy in geek fluency - if extreme annoyance in those who hear all the jargon.

One last word on this - although many really great practitioners may not be able to talk about what they do because they're unconsciously competent and maybe even brilliant - these brilliant practitioners make terrible coaches. Because they don't understand the distinctions they have coded in their brains well enough to communicate those distinctions to others. They can't teach. I hope we can keep the space open for those who like to ask WHY - and maybe use technical language in the process of communicating what we find.


P.S. Skye - thanks for the brilliance of your work and I loved the videos of vibrations! Imagine if we could start seeing and growing with science healthy brain vibrations.

On 11/30/14 7:34 AM, Skye Hirst via OSList wrote:
Yes, and here's a link to see the guitar strings each vibrating in their own way and together harmonies are created, and also one of artist Lisa Sparks with feelings vibrations in bowls of water. I hope you can see a relation to what is happening in OS wherever, whenever life is happening. Sparks Vibrations Vibrations

On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Daniel Mezick via OSList < <>> wrote:

    Hi Anne,

    Roberta my wife and I recently viewed a show on TV together
    (NOVA) about "sociobiology." And there was this scientist E.O.
    Wilson. He's this weird guy that studies ants. And this term
    "stigmergy" comes up during the viewing.

    Later, we discuss the topics of ants and signaling. We discuss
    ants, signs, signals, symbols and words. Words like "music." We
    discuss how some truly great musicians play from pure feel, and
    cannot "read" music at all, and may in fact "be illiterate." They
    play the instrument using here-and-now sensing, and feelings.
    They make amazing sounds.

    How the instrument physically makes sound can be precisely
    described. Yet how the musician makes his or her sound cannot.
    And we discuss how some people are very good at using the
    instrument to make a very specific sound (without being able to
    clearly explain how) while others are good at describing in
    general terms how the instrument can produce many sounds (without
    being good at making any pleasing sounds at all with the instrument.)

    Today we talked about Open Space in light of the word 'stigmergy'
    and this show on NOVA, and music.

    And how perhaps Open Space is maybe a kind of instrument. That
    produces vibrations. Some folks just know how to play the
    instrument to produce very specific, purposeful, pleasing
    vibrations. Another set of people can clearly explain how the
    instrument can produce arbitrary vibrations. And how maybe some
    people belong to both groups, and can play the instrument well,
    and also clearly explain how it actually the instrument makes
    various vibrations.


    On 11/30/14 12:12 AM, Anne Stadler via OSList wrote:
    Re studying self-organization
    Thanks all.

    Yes HO all IS self-organization.
    However i'm not interested in just any kind of self
    organization.  OST or Opening space is oriented to facilitating
    self authorization; ease of emergence; rapid achievement of flow
    state and high degree of coherence.  That's my experience gained
    in a seven year experiment in using OST to evolve an Open Space
    Learning Community of Practice (Spirited Work).

    So one thing that pops out for me if one were to research this,
    maybe one needs to track a few things:
    1.  Level of self authorization?
    2.  Ease of initiating
    3.  Ease of emergence
    4.  Level of group flow state?
    5.  Level of group coherence?

    Another observation: re using "well-established words".  As an
    example you gave us "stigmergy", Daniel. Where is that
    "well-established"?  Except in certain academic fields?  I am a
    "first follower" Open Spacer (that is literally true! Since
    1989).  I have no idea what you're talking about, i'm sorry to
    say.  So If you're also interested in influencing and involving
    users of OST, I would encourage no professional jargon, if
    possible. It renders the enterprise meaningless to an person for
    whom OST taps into natural human patterns and ways of

    Thanks for this conversation you all!


    Your Self

    A world that works for ALL is a world of love made visible

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