Pooh and the Blue Hat


Pooh learns the difference between Forwards and Backwards.

Pooh and the Blue Hat

When Pooh awoke each morning he always stretched his paws in all of the
directions he could, yawned a very large yawn, turned over, pulled the
blankets tightly about him, and tried to immediately go back to sleep. But
no matter how hard he tried he never did. He never could.

“I never can”, thought Pooh, as he tried, but couldn’t. As he tried, but

Bright sunshine was streaming in through the window and the noises of the
Hundred Acre Wood – the singing of birds and the rustling wind in the trees
announced that it was morning.

“Perhaps if I try one last enormous yawn I shall succeed in dropping off”
thought Pooh. “After all, a yawn is supposed to be an Announcement That One
Is Tired.”

So he yawned. He yawned for a full minute and a half. And when he had
stopped yawning, Pooh realised he was now more wide awake than ever.

“Bother!” said Pooh aloud. “I’m not one bit tired after all. I supposed I
really shall have to get up. Besides, dropping off is not a good thing. If
you do drop off you might land Somewhere Nasty. Bump, bump, bump !”

And with that, he climbed out of bed all the while composing a Very Special
Pooh Bumping Song, about which he was very pleased:

Bump ! Bump ! Bump !
Before Breakfast,
Bump ! Bump ! Bump !
Before tea,
Bump ! Bump ! Bump !
Before dinner,
That’s a bump, bump, bumping life for me !

After a hearty breakfast of muffins with honey, followed by honey with
muffins, Pooh decided to take a walk in the wood. For it really was a
beautiful spring morning.

Stepping out into the warm sunshine Pooh skipped lazily along a narrow
pathway to the winding stream, all the while merrily humming his new song.
As he reached a bend in the path he noticed something bright blue lying in
the long grass beside the path.

“It isn’t a flower.” thought Pooh. “for, if it was a flower, then it would
look like a flower, and surely it doesn’t. So it isn’t.” He really could be
a Very Perceptive Bear for a Bear Of Very Little Brain.

“And it isn’t a mouse.” he further thought. “for, if it was a mouse, then
it would squeak like a mouse, and surely it doesn’t. So it isn’t.” Pooh
sighed. All of this thinking so early in the morning was making him hungry.

But what could it be ?

The Little Bear reached down and picked up the strange object and stared at
it for a long time, turning it over in his paws as he examined it.

At last he exclaimed: “I am not sure what it is, and I am not sure what it
is not, but I do feel a curious urge to wear it on my head.

So he did.

It was a perfect fit. It nestled easily between Pooh’s ears upon the crown
of his furry head, with a brim which settled comfortably at the back.

“I do believe” concluded Pooh, “that what I have found is most definitely a

And off he went along the path in search of his friend Piglet to proudly
announce the Arrival of the New Hat Upon His Head.

Pooh found Piglet washing his ears in the stream. Piglet liked to wash his
ears at least once a week, and he liked to wash them in the stream because
the water was cool, but not too cold when it had caught the morning sun for
an hour.

“Morning, Piglet.” said Pooh, by way of announcing his arrival.

But Piglet did not reply for his ears were full of spring water.

“Morning Piglet” Pooh repeated, this time more of a bellow. Piglet almost
leapt into the air, and turned to his friend, drops of water dripping down
his cheeks.

“Ah, good morning Pooh. And how are you this fine morning ?”

“Very well, thank you Piglet. I want you to be the first to celebrate the
Arrival of The New Hat Upon My Head.”

Piglet eyed the blue cap. “It truly is a fine hat, Pooh. A very fine, blue,
Pooh Hat. But tell me, why are you Back to Front ?”

Pooh frowned. “Back to Front ? What is Back to Front ?”

“Er…Back to Front…Front to Back… something to do with Wrong Way Round.”

“Bother!” said Pooh. “What can you mean ?”

Piglet was not very good at explaining things; certainly not something as
complicated as Back to Front. “Perhaps you should ask Rabbit, or Owl.”

“That I shall ! Goodbye Piglet.” said Pooh, and with that, he trudged off
along the path which ran beside the stream, muttering coolly to himself:
“Front to Back – Back to Front. Dear, oh, dear or dear…”

And Piglet returned to washing his ears. They really didn’t need any more
washing, but Piglet did so love doing them !.

Rabbit was hanging out his washing to dry when Pooh marched through the
gate into his garden.’

“Morning Rabbit!” said Pooh.

“Good Morning, Pooh,” replied Rabbit not taking his eyes off his linen
sheets and wooden clothes pegs.

“Well ?” said Pooh.

“Well, what ?” replied Rabbit, disappearing underneath a huge, white bed

“What do you think ?” continued Pooh.

“What do I think ? Well I think a lot a different things. Different things
on different occasions” said Rabbit reappearing from behind a newly hung
sheet. It was then he noticed the Arrival of the New Hat Upon Pooh’s Head.
“Good Heavens !”

“Yes, I suppose they are,” said Pooh, a little confused. “But what do you
think of my new hat ? Piglet says it is Front to Back. Or Round way Wrong.”

“Well,” said Rabbit, “If that is what Piglet says then it is he who is
Front to Back, I mean, Back to Front. Your very fine, blue hat, dear Pooh,
is the Wrong way Round ! And that is no use, no use at all.”

“I don’t understand.” said Pooh, who most definitely did not understand.

“How can I put this, tactfully” said Rabbit. “Well, Pooh, a hat – if it is
to be a hat, and not something else such as a…erm.. such as a “Not A Hat”,
if it is to be a hat, then it must face the right direction. For, if you do
not go in the direction that a hat is facing, then you are clearly going to
live out your days … in the opposing direction… to er… the one in which
your hat is facing. Do you see what I mean ?”

“Yes.” replied Pooh. Then he thought about it. “On second thoughts, no. Not
even a bit.”

Rabbit began to lose patience for, if the truth be told, Rabbit had even
confused himself by what he had said. He drew a deep breath and said
impatiently: “A hat, Pooh, is not a hat unless it is facing the correct
way. And your hat is facing the wrong way. I suggest you get a hat which is
facing the right way. Yours is Back to Front.”

“You mean Front to Back?” suggested Pooh.

“No I do not!” exploded Rabbit. “Back to Front ! BACK TO FRONT ! I suggest
you go and see Owl about it. Owl is wise. He will know what to do. Good
day, Pooh.”

“Good day, Rabbit” said Pooh and turned on his heels and disappeared along
the forest path, leaving a very cross Rabbit behind.

As Pooh wandered in the wood he felt troubled by the advice of his two
dearest friends. So he decided to find a Quiet Spot and to sit down and
have a Serious Think. By chance, the Quiet Spot he chose was also a place
he knew had a hive filled with fresh honey in its lowest branches. So he
had a Serious Think and a Midmorning Snack.

A half an hour later, Pooh leapt up. “I’ve got it!” he exclaimed. “A hat is
NOT a hat unless it faces the direction it wants to go. My hat is Back to
Front. So I will simply need to go in the direction that my hat is facing.
Then surely my hat will be a Proper Hat.”

So, off he went, walking backwards into the forest, whistling merrily to
himself, happy now that his hat was a hat and that it was pointing in the
right direction.

Bump ! “Ouch!” cried Pooh as he bumped into a large oak tree. Clunk
!Crash!””Oh, dear!” moaned Pooh as he fell backwards over a fence.
“Bother!” complained Pooh has he tripped backwards over the root of an old

And so it went on. As Pooh went on his way, he mused over the difficulty of
going about and around and along in the direction of a hat that knew where
it was going. “It might very well be forwards for the hat, but it is most
certainly backwards for Pooh!” he moaned to himself. “It certainly is not
something I would like to…” Plop ! Plonk ! Crump ! Crash. Clump ! And Pooh
was upside down and rolling down into a dell covered fortunately in soft,
springy moss. Following head over hooves was Eyeore whom Pooh had happened
to back into just as he was taking a Gloomy, Standing Doze. Both Bear and
Donkey ended in a heap of yellow and grey at the bottom of the dell.

“I AM very sorry, Eyeore. I think I must have missed you there on the path.”
“Missed me ? Missed ME ? “grumbled Eyeore. “I really don’t think so. No one
ever misses me. Besides I think you most surely hit me. Still, I suppose it
is, after all, not such a bad idea to go backwards. Then you have to say
goodbye to all of the things you’ve just said hello to, and you can’t
really see what is up ahead, because it is really behind you !”

Pooh and Eyeore picked themselves up and sighed. “I beg your pardon ?” said

“Granted” said Eyeore.

“But there really must be a way that I could wear a hat that is pointing in
the direction that it wants to go AND for me to be able to point there as

“Oh dear.” sighed Eyeore. “You really do want to go forwards ?”

“Boldly forwards” announced Pooh. “Most definitely, most sincerely, most
positively forwards.”

“Then,” began Eyeore, “You will have to turn yourself around – one hundred
and eighty degrees.”

“Will I ?” asked Pooh.

Eyeyore sighed a long sigh. “I am afraid so. I am sorry to be the one to
tell you. I mean, I wouldn’t expect you… I wouldn’t expect anyone to listen
to a suggestion from me. But I might as well suggest it… it does pass the
time … and I think it is going to rain. You need to turn around Pooh. Hold
onto your hat and … turn around. But it probably won’t work anyway.”

So, heeding the advice of his friend, Pooh took hold of his hat, leapt into
the air and spun round, a full hundred and eighty degrees. He gripped the
blue cap tightly, so that, though it was a Bear of Very Little Brain who
turned about one way, the Blue Hat spun about in exactly the opposite
direction !

Pooh breathed a huge sigh of relief.

“Thankyou, Eyeore.” said Pooh, and he set off into the Wood.

“Bother ! Bother ! Bother!” said Pooh a few moments later, as Eyeore
appeared to become smaller, for Pooh was once again following the direction
of his hat. “it doesn’t seem to have made any difference at all. Goodbye

“Goodbye, Pooh” said Eyeore now so small he was almost out of sight.

Several bashes, crashes, smashes and several bumps later, Pooh firmly
decided that it was time to seek out Owl.

It was late in the afternoon when a very weary, and slightly dizzy bear
arrived at the Wolery. Owl was asleep and did not take kindly to being
woken up so early in the day.

“There’s nothing for it,” said Pooh to himself. “After all, this is a Very
Serious Hat Emergency.”

“Good afternoon, Owl” Pooh called at the top of his voice. A shuffle came
from within the Wolery. A grumble and another shuffle.

“Whooooh, is it ?” came a voice from deep inside.

“It is I, of course, Pooh.” Said Pooh. ” Owl, I am extremely sorry to
disturb your afternoon nap. I do like a snooze myself at this time of the
day. After some tea, of course. However, I am in sore need of your wise

At the sound of the word “wise”, Owl’s frown softened. He did like it when
someone referred to him as “wise”. For that was of course, completely true
but it was odd how seldom other people ever said it. In a few seconds, Owl
had emerged from his house, stretched his feathers and yawned.

Owl frowned again. “Now, Pooh, what is it that… Good Heavens, where on
earth has your face gone ?”

Pooh was of course, facing in the direction his hat wanted to go, so he had
his back to owl. With the brim of the hat facing behind, Owl was certain
that Pooh’s face had vanished.

“My face has not gone anywhere” said Pooh in a huff. ” On second thoughts,
what I mean to say it that my face has gone everywhere. I shall turn around
and you shall see it.”

So he did. And there he was. Owl hooted with relief.

“That’s better,” said Owl. “Now what is it that I can do for you, Pooh, in
your fine new blue hat that you are wearing Back to Front ?”

“That’s it !” cried Pooh. “That is just it ! My hat is Back to Front which
means that, for it to be a hat I have to go in the direction it wants to go
which is Front to Back. Which is no good at all. I am tired and I am dizzy.
I am weary of everything I leave behind getting smaller and I am tired of
bumping into things. Piglet was no help. Rabbit was no help. And Eyeore was
no help. Owl, I am at my wit’s end! I need your wisdom.”

Owl smiled to himself. He did like it when people needed his wisdom.

Pooh told Owl of his adventures wih the hat. Owl listened carefully. When
Pooh had finished, Owl stepped forward.

He drew up his brows and thought. He thought for a very long time indeed.
“Well Pooh,” he finally began. “The problem is this: you are wearing your
hat Back to Front. But for a hat to be a hat it must point in the right
direction, which is most certainly not backwards but forwards. Now, Piglet
told you that you were Back to Front. Which is not correct. Not correct at
all. It is not you that is Back to Front, Pooh, but your hat.”

“What a relief!” said Pooh.

“No interruptions. please”, grumbled Owl, who was only just about keeping
up with himself as it was. “Now, Rabbit told you that a hat is not a hat
unless it is facing in the right direction. That is true. But a hat is
really only a hat if it is facing in the direction that you, the wearer of
the hat want to go. A hat, so to speak does not want to go anywhere. It
merely sits upon your head and waits for you, Pooh Bear, to decide where it
is that YOU want to go.”

“Ah, I see”. said Pooh, not seeing at all.

“And finally” Owl continued. “Eyeore suggested you needed to turn around in
order to face the right direction – the direction of your hat. But it was
not you that needed to turn around to meet your hat, it was your hat that
needed to turn around to meet YOU. I think we are now clear and have solved
the problem.”
Owl breathed out a sigh of satisfaction at his logic and wisdom.

“Are we ? Have we ?” asked Pooh, who was now getting rather hungry.

“Pooh,” said Owl. “Now I want you to do exactly as I tell you. Stand very
still. Take hold of your hat by the brim with your left Paw. I shall count
to three. On “three” I want you to turn the hat around and, whatever you
do, do not turn yourself around. Am I making myself clear?”

Pooh summoned up all of the thinking he could, and said: “Perfectly clear,

“Very well then. Take hold of the brim with your left paw.”

Pooh followed Owl’s instructions.

“On my mark – one, two, three – TURN !”

Pooh took hold of the brim of the blue cap and turned it around.

“And stop!” Owl said finally. “There, one hat facing in the right
direction, and one Pooh Bear facing in the right direction.”

“Thank you, Owl” said Pooh, thankfully, “You truly are a very wise bird.”

“That is true” confirmed Owl, “Now if you don’t mind, I have to return to
my studies.” Owl yawned, turned about and headed back into the Wolery in
search of his soft straw bed. “Goodnight… I mean, good day.”

“Goodbye, Owl” replied Pooh and set off gaily in search of his house, a jar
of honey and an afternoon snooze.

It truly was wonderful to be facing in the same direction as his hat wanted
to go.

“This really is much, much, better.” Pooh said to himself as he went
happily along in the heat of the afternoon sunshine. “Going forwards is
really much, much better than going backwards!”

Then he stopped for a moment and thought which, for a Bear of Very Little
Brain, he did remarkably often. “Yes indeed, he said, “Forwards is much
more agreeable. But I have had a marvellous adventure today. And I suppose
I never would have had such a wonderful adventure if I hadn’t been going

The End

On Friday, 11 December 2015, Daniel Mezick via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> It appears the conversation about Eeyore and Tigger (et al) is fully
> authorized.
> Jeff Aiken appears to taking up the Eeyore character-role (with some
> apologies.)
> He also appears to be drafting me into a role. Ditto for you.
> I'm investigating this Tigger character.
> Some tidbits:
> " In *The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Adventures_of_Winnie_the_Pooh>*,
> Tigger is often well-meaning but usually does more harm than good. "
> " It is also shown that Tigger will jump in to help without thinking about
> the danger to himself. "
> " Tigger's birthday is believed to be in October."
> " he often thinks of himself as being handsome"
> " Tigger is always filled with great energy and optimism, and though
> always well-meaning, he can also be mischievous, and his actions have
> sometimes led to chaos and trouble for himself and his friends. "
> Hmm. Pretty good.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tigger#Personality_traits
> Daniel
> On 12/11/15 11:31 AM, Harold Shinsato wrote:
>   [image: Image result for tigger]
> "A wonderful thing is a Tigger;
> A Tigger's a wonderful thing.
> Their tops are made out of rubber,
> their bottoms are made out of spring
> They're bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy,
> fun, fun, fun, fun, fun,
> The most wonderful thing
> about Tiggers is:
> I'm the only one!"
> I definitely experience you, Daniel, in many ways as a "Tigger". A
> "Trigger".
> Is it a role you're being drafted into? Is it a role you're playing with?
>     Harold
> On 12/10/15 5:22 PM, Daniel Mezick via OSList wrote:
> Am I the Trigger character then?
> On 12/10/15 4:59 PM, Jeff Aitken wrote:
> Sure! I'm sorry to be an Eeyore this week.
> Jeff
> On Dec 10, 2015 1:49 PM, "Daniel Mezick" <d...@newtechusa.net
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','d...@newtechusa.net');>> wrote:
>> OK. Good one. Like.
>> But wait. Aren't those similarities just really juicy? What about those?
>> On 12/10/15 4:36 PM, Jeff Aitken wrote:
>> As Harrison often says, these other folks work way too hard...
>> On Dec 10, 2015 1:21 PM, "Jeff Aitken" <r.jeff.ait...@gmail.com
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','r.jeff.ait...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>> This may be a difference:
>>> Easy to facilitate such that the facilitator can take a nap, pick up
>>> coffee cups, and hold space in the hotel bar until the closing which
>>> requires a higher level of attention?
>>> : )
>>> Jeff
>>> On Dec 10, 2015 12:21 PM, "Daniel Mezick via OSList" <
>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','oslist@lists.openspacetech.org');>
>>> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','oslist@lists.openspacetech.org');>> wrote:
>>>> Not to mention the 100% present-tense, "here and now" orientation of
>>>> both Open Space and GR Conferences
>>>> On 12/10/15 3:15 PM, Daniel Mezick via OSList wrote:
>>>> What's Open Space got to do with Group Relations?
>>>> Wait. What is Group Relations?
>>>> It's this, and this:
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENHO1yUtCRo
>>>> http://www.tavinstitute.org/what-we-offer/group-relations/
>>>> So: What's Open Space got to do with Group Relations?
>>>> Probably nothing, right?
>>>> Wait. Let's inspect some of the facts:
>>>> Item
>>>> Open Space events?
>>>> Group Relations events?
>>>> 100% Experiential Learning
>>>> Yes
>>>> Yes
>>>> Very lightly structured
>>>> Yes
>>>> Yes
>>>> Potentially triggering
>>>> Yes
>>>> Yes
>>>> About leadership and authority
>>>> Yes
>>>> Yes
>>>> An exercise in self-organization
>>>> Yes
>>>> Yes
>>>> Self-selecting groups
>>>> Yes
>>>> Yes
>>>> Strictly opt-in participation
>>>> Yes
>>>> Yes
>>>> Possessing a “spectator sport” dimension..watching others watching, etc
>>>> Yes
>>>> Yes
>>>> Insanely efficient as a learning device
>>>> Yes
>>>> Yes
>>>> Who else has attended a Group Relations conference?
>>>> It is a fact that Group Relations theory and practice deeply informs
>>>> the structure of Prime/OS, which in turn is the basis of OSA:
>>>> http://www.Prime-OS.com
>>>> --
>>>> Daniel Mezick
>>>> Culture Strategist. Author. Keynoter.
>>>> (203) 915 7248 <%28203%29%20915%207248>. Bio.
>>>> <http://www.DanielMezick.com/> Blog. <http://www.NewTechUSA.net/blog/>
>>>> Twitter. <https://twitter.com/DanielMezick>
>>>> Book: The Culture Game. <http://theculturegame.com/>
>>>> Book: The OpenSpace Agility Handbook.
>>>> <http://www.amazon.com/OpenSpace-Agility-Handbook-Daniel-Mezick/dp/0984875336>
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>>>> Daniel Mezick
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>> --
>> Daniel Mezick
>> Culture Strategist. Author. Keynoter.
>> (203) 915 7248. Bio. <http://www.DanielMezick.com/> Blog.
>> <http://www.NewTechUSA.net/blog/> Twitter.
>> <https://twitter.com/DanielMezick>
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>> Book: The OpenSpace Agility Handbook.
>> <http://www.amazon.com/OpenSpace-Agility-Handbook-Daniel-Mezick/dp/0984875336>
> --
> Daniel Mezick
> Culture Strategist. Author. Keynoter.
> (203) 915 7248. Bio. <http://www.DanielMezick.com/> Blog.
> <http://www.NewTechUSA.net/blog/> Twitter.
> <https://twitter.com/DanielMezick>
> Book: The Culture Game. <http://theculturegame.com/>
> Book: The OpenSpace Agility Handbook.
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> --
> Harold Shinsato
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> http://shinsato.com
> twitter: @hajush <http://twitter.com/hajush>
> --
> Daniel Mezick
> Culture Strategist. Author. Keynoter.
> (203) 915 7248. Bio. <http://www.DanielMezick.com/> Blog.
> <http://www.NewTechUSA.net/blog/> Twitter.
> <https://twitter.com/DanielMezick>
> Book: The Culture Game. <http://theculturegame.com/>
> Book: The OpenSpace Agility Handbook.
> <http://www.amazon.com/OpenSpace-Agility-Handbook-Daniel-Mezick/dp/0984875336>
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