Instead of inviting questions, ask for a show of hands from everyone who has 
enough clarity to proceed. Ask people to hold their hands high. Then tell 
everyone that if you have a question about how things will work, ask one of the 
people with their hands held up. 



> On Aug 31, 2017, at 1:50 PM, Birgitt Williams via OSList 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Lucas,
> I echo Michael's comments about 'safety' cannot be promised.
> I got into the start of your scripted intro and thought..."this is too small 
> a space that Lucas is creating...this is such a great opportunity". I would 
> not make definitive statements about the tarnished name of Charlottesville 
> etc as I think that closes some of the space.. Rather, I would really open 
> the space wide for creating the community we love". Who knows what 
> inspirations might show up!
> I wish you stellar outcomes! And yes, I would do it 'by the book'!
> Birgitt
>> On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 10:17 AM Michael Herman via OSList 
>> <> wrote:
>> the thing i like about the original principles and law is that they are 
>> essentially descriptive, rather than prescriptive "ground rules."  the law, 
>> for instance, doesn't say one must use their two feet, it says "you and only 
>> you know when you are learning and contributing as much as you can."  this 
>> isn't a ground rule, it's more like a law of nature, defy it at your own 
>> risk.  the moving about with two feet is just describing what happens when 
>> people notice and act on the reality of the natural law.
>> the other thing i notice, lucas, is that you're attempting to promise 
>> safety.  that's a tall order.  made taller by simultaneously saying that ALL 
>> ideas are welcome.  the combination of inviting everyone to learn and 
>> contribute as much as they can, on the one hand, and be prepared to be 
>> surprised, on the other, should be enough.  if you promise "safe" space, 
>> then as soon as anyone feels bad the hosts/facilitators are seen as 
>> responsible.  what you want is for everyone to be responsible for everyone's 
>> safety.  when the event finishes and everyone is still okay, THAT is 
>> something the group (not the facilitator) has done for itself, perhaps even 
>> the MOST important thing.  the principles and law accomplish that pretty 
>> well.
>> --
>> Michael Herman
>> Michael Herman Associates
>> 312-280-7838 (mobile)
>>> On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 4:30 AM, Harrison Owen via OSList 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> The only suggestion I would make is not to take any questions. May seem 
>>> rude, but the fact of the matter is that everything will be clear upon 
>>> departure, and the sooner you get to take off the better. One side 
>>> note—Personal prejudice, I’m sure—The original “5 Principles” and One Law 
>>> quickly do the job, and my preference is always to quickly get out of the 
>>> way and let the people do their job. Good Luck!
>>> Harrison
>>> Winter Address
>>> 7808 River Falls Dr.
>>> Potomac, MD 20854
>>> 301-365-2093
>>> Summer Address
>>> 189 Beaucauire Ave
>>> Camden, ME 04843
>>> 207 763-3261
>>> Websites
>>> From: OSList [] On Behalf Of 
>>> Lucas Cioffi via OSList
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 6:29 PM
>>> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] Open Space in Charlottesville
>>> Hello Harrison, thanks so much for the prompt reply.  Below is the draft 
>>> script for the event.  I wrote it down since I'm out of practice.  I won't 
>>> read it word for word; it's just a guide.  You'll see the rules and the law 
>>> are not referred to directly, since I think the crowd will understand it 
>>> better if we explain it like this.
>>> Of course I may be very wrong about that.  I'm just doing what seems best 
>>> in my judgement.  I'm 100% open to any and all suggestions!
>>> Lucas
>>> 8:30am: Opening
>>> Welcome, everyone.  My name is Jessica G.  And my name is Lucas C.  All of 
>>> us are gathered here to think together, and we are here to work together. 
>>> If this goes well, it could be the start of something big.
>>> Charlottesville’s name has been tarnished.  We have a window of opportunity 
>>> for a second act.  That window is closing.
>>> If there’s one community that can think outside the box and is not 
>>> intimidated by obstacles, it’s the tech community.  But we need vision, we 
>>> need passion, and we need to be grounded in what’s practical, so that’s why 
>>> we invited the leaders of ten local civic and activist groups from across 
>>> the political spectrum.
>>> [LUCAS]
>>> This is a participant-driven event, and it will be what we all make of it.  
>>> Our job as facilitators is to help you be at your best and then to get out 
>>> of the way
>>> Some ground rules for all of us to keep in mind:
>>> ·        Everyone is welcome here, and we mean everyone.
>>> ·        All ideas are welcome here, and we mean all ideas.
>>> ·        This is a safe space for all of us to express any idea, even ones 
>>> which are tough to hear, as long as you are coming from a place of respect.
>>> ·        And on the flip side, if you hear something that triggers you, 
>>> first please assume that the other person is coming from a place of respect.
>>> ·        Think about who is not in the room and speak for them if you can.  
>>> We don’t represent all of Charlottesville, so it’s important to think about 
>>> who isn’t present so that we find solutions that work for the most people.
>>> Think big.  What can we do as a tech community and as a city that makes a 
>>> splash nationally?  Can you think of a solution that breaks out of the 
>>> left-right paradigm, or a solution that helps us find commonality rather 
>>> than getting tripped up over a long and complicated racial past?  Can you 
>>> find solutions that appeal to both the center and the fringes?
>>> Here’s how this event will happen.  You see over there an open agenda wall. 
>>>  Across the top, you see six spaces: the four corners of this room, 
>>> Conference Room 1, and Conference Room 2.  Going down the left side, you 
>>> see three rounds of discussion.  Each round lasts 40 minutes with a 
>>> 5-minute break in between.  There will be a 15-minute closing session at 
>>> the end.
>>> If you want remote participants to be able to join your session, then 
>>> please schedule your session in one of the conference rooms.
>>> In a moment, each of us will have the opportunity to post a session topic.  
>>> You’ll walk to the center of the circle, pick up a piece of paper and a 
>>> marker.  Write the discussion topic and your name.  Announce it, and then 
>>> post it on the agenda wall.  Sessions should be conversational rather than 
>>> presentations or monologues.  All you have to do have are some great 
>>> questions, and the answers will come through the discussion.
>>> Let’s give everyone a moment to think about what sessions they want to hold 
>>> before we get started.
>>> (pause for a minute)
>>> Ok, when you’re ready, please go ahead and write down your session topic 
>>> and then announce it.
>>> (people start announcing and posting their topics on the wall)
>>> Now we’ll start the breakout sessions.  This is your event, so you won’t 
>>> see us dropping by to remind you of how much time is left or the need to 
>>> wrap up.  If your conversation is running long, please take it to the cafe 
>>> area, out of respect for the people who are participating in the next 
>>> session in that space.
>>> Open space has the law of two feet, which means that if find a conversation 
>>> isn’t going the way you expected, you are highly encouraged to pick up and 
>>> move to another conversation where you can contribute more.  Don’t take it 
>>> personally if people drop out of your session.
>>> You can feel free to hop between sessions, and you can feel free to just 
>>> hang out by yourself in the hallway or even take a walk with someone 
>>> outside.
>>> Whenever possible, please take good notes for those who could not attend.  
>>> We expect that many people across the community will want to organize 
>>> around your ideas and help you implement them.
>>> Are there any questions?
>>> (pause)
>>> Ok, the session topics are posted.  Let’s make today count.
>>> 9:00am: Breakout Round 1
>>> 9:45am: Breakout Round 2
>>> 10:30am: Breakout Round 3
>>> 11:15am: Closing
>>> [Jessica]
>>> Welcome back.
>>> (pause)
>>> What thoughts would you like to share with everyone?
>>> Lucas Cioffi
>>> Founder,
>>> Charlottesville, VA
>>> Mobile: 917-528-1831
>>> On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 7:02 PM, Harrison Owen <> wrote:
>>> Sounds wonderful . But  what is this “openspacish” event? Just do it.  And 
>>> if you need some help try Kai down in Harrisonburg. Used to be the Mayor – 
>>> and had done lots of OS – by the book. Works.And he shows up on the list.
>>> ho
>>> Winter Address
>>> 7808 River Falls Dr.
>>> Potomac, MD 20854
>>> 301-365-2093
>>> Summer Address
>>> 189 Beaucauire Ave
>>> Camden, ME 04843
>>> 207 763-3261
>>> Websites
>>> From: OSList [] On Behalf Of 
>>> Lucas Cioffi via OSList
>>> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 4:42 PM
>>> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>>> Subject: [OSList] Open Space in Charlottesville
>>> Hi All, I sent this out to the NCDD listserv moments ago and thought I need 
>>> to share it with the wonderful folks here on OS-LIST too.
>>> You may have seen the violence in Charlottesville two weeks ago when 
>>> alt-right protesters and Black Lives Matter & Antifa counter-protesters 
>>> clashed.  One alt-right sympathizer committed a terrorist attack by 
>>> violently plowing his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing one 
>>> and injuring 19.
>>> The community is still stunned and no one knows what to do, so what should 
>>> we do?  We should open some space.  I'm putting together a 3-hour open 
>>> space-ish event on Thursday for the Cville tech community (and inviting 
>>> local leaders of civic and activist groups) so we can figure out what we as 
>>> technologists have to offer.  If this goes well, we'll hold a larger open 
>>> space for all of Cville.  
>>> If that goes well, maybe I can work with some of you to hold some 
>>> simultaneous open spaces across the country one day this Autumn.  I'll also 
>>> try opening some space with Zoom & QiqoChat (for the breakouts).  If/when 
>>> that happens, I'll be sure to reach out here so that we can plan this in 
>>> the open.
>>> I look forward to seeing what else comes of all this...
>>> Lucas Cioffi
>>> Founder,
>>> Charlottesville, VA
>>> Mobile: 917-528-1831
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Lucas Cioffi <>
>>> Date: Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 4:34 PM
>>> Subject: Hi from Charlottesville (Round 2)
>>> To: "" <>
>>> Thank you so much for the tremendous discussion on this listserv over the 
>>> past sixteen days!  I've learned so much from the resources and ideas you 
>>> have all shared.
>>> The work to respond to the violence of August 12th is just beginning.  Last 
>>> night the Department of Justice's Community Relations Service (created as 
>>> part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act) held their first public town meeting 
>>> here.  I posted rough notes below so you can get a sense of what people 
>>> were talking about.  It was supposed to last 2 hours, but went 3.5 hours.  
>>> The meeting was in a high school auditorium and there were about 500 people 
>>> present.  Everyone had a chance at the microphone.  There were no time 
>>> limits.  There were 10 news crews present.
>>> Big themes that I heard:
>>> Cville's black community is very upset about August 12th but also about the 
>>> lack of economic opportunity & affordable housing, and pervasive racism
>>> many people are outraged by the police security plan on August 12th
>>> many people feel the community is still not safe for them
>>> several people mentioning that they want to take action into their own 
>>> hands if City Council doesn't act (alluding to violence, including the one 
>>> guy who said he was the one who threatened the mayor at the last City 
>>> Council meeting)
>>> two people did get in a 5-min shouting match over the general idea of 
>>> taking down monuments
>>> there is a big lack of trust in government at all levels, from the city (& 
>>> police) to the DOJ and the President
>>> As a member of Cville's tech community, the first step I'm taking is 
>>> co-organizing a 3-hour "open space" this Thursday.  The target audience is 
>>> our local tech community plus leaders of local civic and activist groups.  
>>> If this succeeds, we'll help convene a bigger one open which will be open 
>>> to everyone in Charlottesville.
>>> I've also heard from 10 local citizens and half dozen members of this 
>>> listserv who want to volunteer for any local dialogue initiative that we 
>>> may plan.  I'm sincerely thankful for those of you who have reached out.  
>>> For those that cannot make it to Cville, I think we will also plan online 
>>> dialogue using Zoom video chat (breakout rooms made possible by QiqoChat) 
>>> during which time any NCDD member can host a breakout room and use any 
>>> dialogue technique they want; the audience will be people across the 
>>> country.  We'll have an open planning process if/when that happens, so you 
>>> will hear about it on this listserv.
>>> I'll know more after the local tech community convenes on Thursday.
>>> Lucas Cioffi
>>> Charlottesville, VA
>>> Mobile: 917-528-1831
>>> -------
>>> Department of Justice Community Relations Service
>>> Three phases: recovery, dialogue, moving forward
>>> Acknowledge what has happened
>>> Many questions have been asked and are under investigation.
>>> We need to educate ourselves to preven tthis from reoccurring.
>>> We've had dialogue about who we are in the past.
>>> Let's be patient.
>>> We all have to be able to listen.
>>> DOJ CRS created as part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act: 
>>> Tonight we will collect concerns, identify common themes, and create 
>>> resolution.
>>> Here are the ground rules: respect, one person at a time, etc
>>> lack of trust in Trump & Attorney General Jeff Sessions
>>> police were reactive instead fo proactive
>>> lack of leadership from City Council
>>> we need better gun control in parks
>>> we need to learn how to get these statues down
>>> we need all voices heard; the political right should be a part of the 
>>> meeting not a target of this meeting
>>> the county is part of the Cville community
>>> we need faith in rule of law
>>> police failed to protect our people
>>> wishing there was a way to remove privilege
>>> has 10 demands:
>>> 1. Revoke the permit for the August 12 “Unite the Right March on 
>>> Charlottesville” and grant a permit for the Carnival de Resistance.
>>> 2. Remove the Lee and Jackson statues, now.
>>> 3. Fulfill the “Positive Vision of Resident Directed Redevelopment” from 
>>> the Charlottesville Public Housing Association of Residents.
>>> 4. Drop the charges against Veronica Fitzhugh.
>>> 5. Apologize publicly for negligence in Sage Smith’s disappearance, and 
>>> commit to an expansion of the investigation.
>>> 6. Cease the targeting of Black families by social services to send 
>>> children into foster care.
>>> 7. End JADE (Jefferson Area Drug Enforcement militarized police unit).
>>> 8. End money bail, and release people being held without bond before their 
>>> trial.
>>> 9. Stop discriminatory stop-and-frisk.
>>> need affordable housing
>>> police need to apologize
>>> discriminatory foster care poliies
>>> militarization of police
>>> stop & frisk
>>> remove monuments
>>> resist white supremacy
>>> sage smith's family
>>> too few minority faces here
>>> want understanding
>>> call this a terrorist attack
>>> systemic ideal of race
>>> the DOJ note-taker miswrote on the screen what someone said and instead 
>>> wrote "extend white privilege"
>>> it's a shame that there are no Congressional staff here listening
>>> why were there no barricades on 4th street?
>>> lack of trust in government
>>> gun control
>>> this meeting is a waste of time, because we're staring from zero instead of 
>>> the work that was already done at the Jefferson School a few days after
>>> Jefferson School had a better, more engaging meeting
>>> City Councilmembers have received death threats and that is unacceptable
>>> black women want to feel safe
>>> white nationalists mapped out the black neighborhoods according to online 
>>> evidence
>>> if more blacks were present at the rally, the alt-right would have opened 
>>> fire
>>> how do we protect ourselves
>>> there should be no open carry law in Cville, there's a state level rule 
>>> (Dillon's Rule) that prevents us from making our own laws unless 
>>> specifically granted permission by the VA legislature
>>> white supremacists are still in town
>>> we are lucky that there was no massacre; we got very lucky
>>> tired of calls for unity
>>> feel abandoned by federal government
>>> DOJ is taking away resources from liberal causes (voter ID laws, LGBT 
>>> rights, etc)
>>> I don't want unity with local wingnuts who have a rifle and a menacing look 
>>> on their face
>>> ask for resignations of city council and city manager
>>> "Attorney General is a monument to white supremacy"
>>> drop a bomb in Afghanistan and you're dropping it in Cville too, because a 
>>> refugee is affected
>>> free political prisoners
>>> investigation of police body cameras
>>> tear gas on Cville residents
>>> power to the people (w/ black power fist)
>>> "they are trying to bury us; we are seeds"
>>> prosecute community leaders for failing to protect
>>> charge Richard Spencer
>>> call a terrorist a terrorist
>>> When will Kessler get charged?
>>> minorities are silenced through a summer of hate
>>> no justice
>>> police should have stop and frisked Nazis
>>> our low income community has a gate to keep people in; not the way it 
>>> should be
>>> want harsh punishments of the alt-right
>>> there is no affordable housing
>>> there is too much racial profiling and unreasonable search
>>> there needs to be recreation at low income housing areas; YMCA not 
>>> affordable
>>> no activities for black people
>>> there should be free speech for the people who disrubpted the council 
>>> meeting
>>> there was a generation of blacks taught to not speak up
>>> thank you to the white community for coming out in support of the black 
>>> community
>>> there were movies which all happened near here (Birth of a Nation, Loving, 
>>> Hidden Figures); Hollywood must have known that something big was going to 
>>> happen
>>> we need to make our history more accessible
>>> "each one, teach one"
>>> lack of police presence at minority events
>>> we're having to police ourselves
>>> what is the role of Civlle police?
>>> our history is that our city chose to close schools instead of desegregate
>>> our history is Vinegar Hill
>>> they want to kill back men, especially if they have knowledge
>>> someone should pay my doctor bills for getting tear-gassed
>>> judge has blood on his hands
>>> "if you don't get it, we will shut it down"
>>> leadership should resign
>>> we should all vote differently
>>> "What has voting done for us in the past?"- person yelled out
>>> this meeting is a farce; we need truth
>>> where are police when the shroud is removed from the statue last night?
>>> Mayor should resign
>>> (speaker says he was the one that threatened the Mayor at the last city 
>>> council meeting)
>>> give equal rights to blacks
>>> if you can't do it, we will
>>> police plan was publicly "arrest people when fights break out" but that 
>>> didn't happen
>>> don't allow hate speech; follow Europe's example of no Nazi symbols
>>> our divided country is week
>>> many of the Nazis are young, impressionable people
>>> alt-right leaders are saying they are taking the country back
>>> be careful of what the government tells you, they told us the police got 
>>> pepper-sprayed at the KKK rally (the reason they used tear gas) but they're 
>>> not saying that anymore
>>> Trump = terrorist
>>> investigate Trump
>>> ISIS would not get a permit
>>> deny the next permit
>>> we need honesty and accountability
>>> we need to elect better people
>>> what if we had this meeting on July 9th instead?  this meeting is too 
>>> little & too late
>>> This will play out in Richmond bigger if not solved
>>> people shouldn't come in from out of town to battle on our streets
>>> we need more black people at our meeting; we need a different venue
>>> police faced the community not the KKK
>>> media showed up at UVA torch rally long before police; shameful on police
>>> no police presence at black churches and many other places
>>> need a different process other than this meeting; Jefferson School meeting 
>>> was much better
>>> mental health professionals are volunteering to help Cville residents; 
>>> there should be official support of such a program 
>>> many people are terrorized
>>> get rid of monuments
>>> change happens within ourselves
>>> don't wait for the City's investigations to conclude; that's giving away 
>>> power
>>> drop charges on Veronica
>>> need a different system than the Cville City Council & City Manager 
>>> structure; our city is too big for that to work now
>>> there is police harassment
>>> there has been racism for a long time
>>> no affordable housing
>>> we black residents don't care about the statues
>>> when speech turns violent, it's not protected; there were clear threats
>>> Me: this way this race-based violence is escalating is following a similar 
>>> pattern with what I saw civil war in Iraq
>>> Me: anyone interested in building bridges, please share your email address
>>> the juvenile justice system is broken
>>> school to prison pipeline
>>> "when someone is incarcerated their family does time too"
>>> my boys are back from prison but mentally still locked up
>>> we need new economics to build wealth
>>> no good jobs
>>> need a mindshift change in city council
>>> there have never been two black city council members at any given time
>>> UVA should be held accountable for the tiki torch rally
>>> all investigators should be independent
>>> we need a community security plan (ie sound fire station alarms if there's 
>>> an attack)
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> -- 
> Birgitt Williams
> President & Senior Consultant of Dalar International Consultancy, Inc.
> Co-founder of the Extraordinary Leadership Network 
> Co-founder of the Genuine Contact™program and author of The Genuine Contact 
> Way: Nourishing a Culture of Leadership     
> Co-owner of the Genuine Contact Co-owners Group Ltd. 
> Supporting leadership development for leading in a culture requiring agility 
> and flexibility in a performance environment of constant change.
> Leadership development at your own pace? Become a member of the Extraordinary 
> Leadership Network to 
> participate in an online leadership development program designed to increase 
> the leadership skills and capacity you need to perform in a performance 
> environment of constant change.
> PO Box 19373, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA 27619
> phone: 1-919-522-7750
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