I would just add to this discussion that I'm glad to see the interest here 
in adding trails to OSM and using OsmAnd to navigate them.  Around my area 
north of San Francisco, OSM is the most complete online source of hiking 
trails, with the potential to become that for other areas of the world.  At 
the same time, OsmAnd has evolved into a full-featured outdoor navigation 
program, including routing using OSM vector data; contour profiling and 
route previewing; universal, customizable contour lines with hill shading, 
full support for viewing OSM POIs including geolocated Wikipedia 
articles--with no no data connection required.   

On Wednesday, July 5, 2017 at 7:58:17 PM UTC-7, Traili Warf wrote:
> Over time I added or updated a lot of trails (foot / cycle / bridle 
> paths).  waymarkedtrails.org shows no trails in my area on perhaps 
> because they do not have national trail designation.  I am aware of many 
> great hikes in my area which I have been marking with "trailhead", and I 
> would love to see similar suggestions from others.
> Searching for trails: on a recent visit to US National Parks, there was 
> not mobile data connection (no live connection to waymarkedtrails). I am 
> armed with powerful OsmAnd app, yet I rarely get meaningful search results 
> for nearby trails.  We have a disconnect...
> The first place I learned about "highway=trailhead" tag was on "US 
> National Park Service Tagging" wiki: 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/US_National_Park_Service_Tagging
> If NPS thinks they should tag trail heads, why shouldn't we?
> I do understand that the shortcoming is coming from lack of approved OSM 
> tag.  Since OSM has tags for such minute things as pedestrian crossing and 
> railroad crossing, there is parity in marking good/suggested/official 
> places to pickup a hiking trail, whether it is national or very local.  
> I wish I knew how to bring OSM proposal trailhead to maturity: 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/trailhead
> If the tag was official, it would make sense to start adding those tags to 
> existing trails, despite it being rarely used at this time:
> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/highway=trailhead
> Many thanks for your feedback.

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