On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 3:58 PM, Bart Eisenberg <barteisenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @Kevin: I agree.  The USGS is no longer doing the on-the-ground surveying
> needed to keep its classic topographical maps up to date, and the more time
> that passes, the more outdated those maps will become.  Which leaves
> crowd-sourcing and, of course, commercial map makers to pick up the slack.
> OSM's goal is as ambitious as Wikipdia's, with fewer contributors. But even
> so, OSM is probably already the most comprehensive online resource for
> hiking trails.
> Regarding importing self-produced raster maps, I did this video tutorial on
> importing into OsmAnd using a commercial Windows program called MAPC2MAPC:
> https://youtu.be/Y_fekLfcUOc  How are you importing into Backcountry
> Navigator?
> And--I'm interested in how you imported park boundaries into OSM. I could
> never figure that out.  Thanks!

This thread has drifted far from the topic of searching for trailheads
in OSMand, and indeed from anything specific to OSMand. I'm going to
reply privately to these questions.

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