IMHO, what you are trying to do is quite difficult to do with Osmand.
You can easily have the navigation along a gpx route (quite rigid, simply 
following a route without change) or the flexible Osmand navigation which 
is not very suitable for what you want to do. There is a setting to ignore 
a part of the gpx route "Use current destination" x "Pass along entire 
track", but the guidance problem (no real navigation, you are just 
following) remains. Getting a combination is possible, but not exactly easy.

Second problem is the voice guidance - sometimes, the guidance is 
confusing, because you get "turns" announced where the road simply turns, 
or "turns" when you are indeed turning, but staying on the main road, for 
example. Some checking against the map on screen is advisable.

What *I *would be inclined to try is to define custom waypoints for each 
route you have to drive through (the stops) and use Osmand to navigate from 
one to the another, leaving it completely to Osmand to calculate the route 
between. If there is an unexpected obstacle and you have to leave the 
computed route, it will be simply recalculated to the next preset waypoint. 
Not sure how many "stops" can Osmand take, but the "travelling salesman" 
option was working quite nice, when I was checking it.

You can set a separate gpx file for points on every single one of these 
routes (as POIs only, with GPS coordinates and name), import the points 
into Osmand as favourites (and you can define a groups for individual 
routes) and use these to define the destination and the through-points. The 
setup is complicated, but than you can use the navigation capabilities from 
Osmand (voice guidance, route recalculating) just as easy as to navigate 
between two points. Check the resulting route for bugs - I don't expect the 
"prescribed" route between two stops would be different from the "fastest" 
or "economic" route in Osmand, unless the data in OSM is really wrong.

Not sure this will do what you want - but in any case, I would try it for 
one route to see if this could be a direction where to go with the idea.

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