How can one create shaping points without Garmin?  (My Garmins were 
scrapped years back) 

On Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 7:57:45 PM UTC+1, Westnederland wrote:
> Shaping points are coded into the GPX file. They are basically the same as 
> waypoints but instead of the waypoint code they are coded as shapingpoint 
> (into the GPX-source code that is). The only difference is, a waypoint will 
> keep insisting on visiting even though you are on a detour where the 
> shaping point will just let it be and carry on with the rest of the route. 
> Mind you, shaping points and their GPX-sourcecoding are 'invented' by 
> Garmin so most devices which are not Garmin are likely to ignore the 
> shaping point-coding. I tested it on Osmand and it so happens Osmand does 
> read this Garmin-coding!  
> Op donderdag 7 september 2017 20:02:47 UTC+2 schreef P Wat:
>> Hi. That sounds good.  Could you just clarify, what are "shaping 
>> points"?  Thanks Paul W
>> On Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 4:10:47 PM UTC+1, Westnederland wrote:
>>> I accidently made it work more or less the way I wanted it to! 
>>> Turns out the waypoints in GPX should be saved as shaping points. I did 
>>> a quick testdrive around the block and this is what happened:
>>> - Turn by turn voice-navigation with streetnames and which lanes to 
>>> follow. So I can actually leave the phone in my pocket and put in a 
>>> earpiece to listen to the directions. 
>>> - If I run into an unexpected obstacle I navigate myself around it, 
>>> Osmand will pick up the remaining part of the route and recalculate it from 
>>> my current position without insisting to visit a missed waypoint. 
>>> - It did this without telling me I was approaching and reaching a 
>>> waypoint all the time. 
>>> Ofcourse this is exactly what I wanted it to do! 
>>> Two hickups so far:
>>> - The route Osmand calculated was different from what I intended it to 
>>> be when I was composing the route on the personal computer. That would be 
>>> because of the difference between the used map-material (Google Maps vs 
>>> Open streetsource). So adding more shaping points would take care of that. 
>>> - When I reached my destination it told me to navigate around the block 
>>> the other way around again, only to end up in the exact same spot I was 
>>> standing at that very moment. I'm not sure why it did that. 
>>> Now for the next test which I need to conduct is find out what Osmand 
>>> does when busroute does the same strip of street twice within the same 
>>> route (for instance, the first time to reach a busstation, the second time 
>>> leaving the busstation and thus ending up in the same street I drove 
>>> through a couple of minutes earlier only to go another way the second 
>>> time). If this should cause problems I think I have to cut up the route in 
>>> 2 different files. 
>>> Op zondag 3 september 2017 14:44:22 UTC+2 schreef Westnederland:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> We are a group of public transport busdrivers who are curious if it is 
>>>> possible to get OsmAnd to work with our specific needs. 
>>>> We drive multiple different routes during a shift as part of a total of 
>>>> 30+ different routes we can be dispatched to. So we need to memorize al of 
>>>> these routes. If there is a detour due to a event or roadworks, we also 
>>>> need to memorize that. We thought it could be usefull to use OsmAnd in 
>>>> areas we are not familair with, like new busroutes we need to memorize or 
>>>> a 
>>>> diversion which leads us into unknown territory. We want to do this 
>>>> *without* the navigation screen, so purely by voice-turn by turn TTS 
>>>> instructions by connecting earphones to the phone so we can hear the 
>>>> instructions in one ear while the other ear and our eyes are concentrating 
>>>> on the traffic and our passengers. 
>>>> Also, we would like the navigation to recalculate a route when we had 
>>>> to go on unsuspected diversion like a road closure due to an accident. We 
>>>> don't want the navigation to keep trying to get us back to a missed 
>>>> waypoint or something like that before it wants to proceed with the rest 
>>>> of 
>>>> the route. 
>>>> However, we can't seem to get it to work like we want it to. 
>>>> What we tried so far is made  GPX files online with both Myrouteapp als 
>>>> Ridewithgps and tried pretty much every setting these sites would give us: 
>>>> Save as GPX 1.0, save as GPX 1.1, in Ridewithgps adding turn-cues and 
>>>> saving them within the GPX-track with setting "include cues as waypoints", 
>>>> the same thing but then using POI waypoints, saving both cues as POI as 
>>>> waypoints, saving as GPX ROUTE instead of GPS TRACK..... 
>>>> In all of these testcases pretty much the same happened. 
>>>> - No streetname announcement, exept when we went off-route and OsmAnd 
>>>> was trying to get us back on route again.
>>>> - No clear turn by turn voice guidance. 
>>>> There was some guidance but the timing of it is way off. Some voice 
>>>> instructions are too soon (like turn right in 300 meters, then 100 meter 
>>>> before the actual turn it would say "Turn right" which would cause us to 
>>>> turn right into the wrong street or even it tells us to turn right when we 
>>>> have to make a left turn FIRST before we get to the point where we have to 
>>>> turn right). We can't find a setting to adjust this anywere...? 
>>>> Some instructions are left out all together (like in a highway setting 
>>>> it would tell us to "Keep following the road" when in reality we have to 
>>>> make a turn to a different highway, or even to get off the highway it 
>>>> would 
>>>> not tell that at all). 
>>>> I know a bit about the technical side of it, so I know GPX by itself 
>>>> would never announce streetnames and clear guidance. I do know this 
>>>> information can be stored in GPX-files... so that is why we opened an 
>>>> account with ridewithgps-website where you can add navigation cues and/or 
>>>> POI with navigation clues to the GPX files. However:
>>>> - The navigation cues as in Ridewithgps ("add to cuesheet" and type the 
>>>> tekst you want to be spoken by OsmAnd into the "notes"-section) are not 
>>>> being pronounced at all. 
>>>> All it pronounces is the *type* of navigation cue (e.g. Left, right, 
>>>> straight") and it does that like this --> "In 300 meters you reach your 
>>>> GPX 
>>>> waypoint Left".... "Turn left and then you reach your GPX-waypoint 
>>>> Left"..... "You have reached your GPX-waypoint Left". 
>>>> What we intended was for OsmAnd to *not* announce the nearing or 
>>>> reaching of a GPX waypoint but simply reading out loud what we typed in 
>>>> the 
>>>> Notes-box within Ridemygps-site. The type of navigation cue is in a box 
>>>> which cannot be typed in by us on the Ridewithgps site. 
>>>> - The same thing applys to POI's with typed extra info. However, this 
>>>> time it would actually speak out loud what was typed. For instance:
>>>> "In 300 meters you reach your GPX waypoint Turn left into Main 
>>>> Street".... "Turn left and then you reach your GPX-waypoint Turn left into 
>>>> Main Street"..... "You have reached your GPX-waypoint Turn left into Main 
>>>> Street". 
>>>> We did remove the tick in the OsmAnd settings in "Navigation settings 
>>>> ---> navigation properties ---> Announce "GPX waypoints" and even removed 
>>>> ticks at "Favourits" and "interesting places" (I'm not sure if in the 
>>>> English edition this would be the exact translation but I think you know 
>>>> what I mean hopefully),  but Osmand would just announce the waypoints 
>>>> (both 
>>>> cues and POI) in the exact same way as described above. 
>>>> It did teach me that Osmand can proncounce through TTS what is typed 
>>>> within <name> </name> tags (looking at the XML-data of al the tested 
>>>> GPX-files). 
>>>> So what would help is:
>>>> - Make and save a route in GPX-track (not GPX-route) format.
>>>> - Be able to put the name-tags in there in a fairly easy way in all the 
>>>> right places so we can prepare the TTS-announcements ourselves at home, 
>>>> preferribly on the desktop computer, before we go out en work our shift. 
>>>> - Use of name-tags without the "In 300 meters you reach your GPX 
>>>> waypoint Turn left into Main Street".... "Turn left and then you reach 
>>>> your 
>>>> GPX-waypoint Turn left into Main Street"..... "You have reached your 
>>>> GPX-waypoint Turn left into Main Street", just "Turn left into Main 
>>>> Street" 
>>>> on the right moment.
>>>> - Specificly GPX tracks and not GPX routes because a track can work 
>>>> with you when you have a unexpected detour, as where a route will try to 
>>>> get you back to a missed waypoint first before carrying on with the 
>>>> remaining part of the route. 
>>>> Is there anyone here who can help us accomplish this? Thanks for your 
>>>> time! 

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