Interesting question!

I have used and still am using old Garmin 60CSx and Lenovo Tablet with 
Osmand (and other mapping apps in my car) - both using OSM maps. With this 
setup I have travelled all around Europe and also down to Mauritania across 
Saharan pistes. I can't imagine doing this with tablet only I have to say 
and for next trip I'm very much considering buying new Garmin 276. I will 
briefly list the pros for me, cons are obvious opposites.

- much better screen in the sunlight
- much better battery life
- much more precise GPS location and much faster time to first fix (Lenovo 
can take even few km to locate)
- often faster in calculating routes, esp. long distance (few hundred kms), 
where Osmand often fails completely
- my Lenovo (and have to say that doing some investigation other tablets 
are not much better) is rubbish when it comes to overheating (Sahara :-() 
and just switches off when you need it most - in the complete wilderness.

- better graphics, no doubt about it, but damn long to render and to even 
- better work with stored GPX tracks, no limit on track points
- map storage space limited only by size of your SD card (I usually have 
maps for a large area installed)
- possibility to change the look of the map using the rendering files
- would be great if it could use OziExplorer maps!

- very unreliable and often loses its settings and maps (see my other 
posting) - very bad when you have no chance to re-install for being not 
- never figured out why the voice navigation works only sometimes with the 
same setting

- as it runs on USB powered tablet, it has a power cable from the side and 
in the har it is usually installed in landscape orientation, therefore the 
cable often has problems with connection (same applies for the port in the 
tablet itself).


Dne úterý 20. listopadu 2018 21:41:44 UTC+1 Tom Norton napsal(a):
> I guess the Subject says it all! Just wondering.

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