P.S.: Technically speaking, not sure about the OSMand 2nd pass, but the BRouter 2nd pass is not A* based like the 1st pass, but it is the plain Dijkstra with the cut off feature.

It is functionally almost equivalent to 1-pass A* with HC=1.0, with the difference A* uses no route elimination, what often becomes a resource problem.

Dne 16. března 2020 18:57:52 Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com> napsal:
Thanks, but that theorectical description I already knew :)

I mean: does it keep some matrix in memory with the already determined costs/routes? And if it finds a better route in the 2nd step, then based on what? Because it will not be available after the first run. And why is that first step then necessary?
etcetera, etcetera.

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