Bart Eisenberg writes:
> QGIS has a QDAL plugin 
> <>.
> But if I remember your blog post, Akkana, that's not enough to translate a 
> Geotiff to an OsmAnd-compliant format entirely within QGIS.  Yes?

I haven't actually used the gdal-tools plugin because running gdal
commands directly looked much easier, but I think you're right.
It looks like the only tile-like file the plugin can make is vrt,
and I don't think OsmAnd can handle a vrt directly. A web search
for vrt to sqlite finds several options, but it looks like it would
come down to using gdal and mbtiles2osmand from the command line anyway,
so there's no obvious win from using the plugin.

If anyone wants to try it (please write it up afterward!), the link
above has a warning that it's outdated; the current link is


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