Hello Steffen,

> On 7. Aug 2024, at 22:16, Steffen Nurpmeso <stef...@sdaoden.eu> wrote:
> Isn't that terribly rhetorical, and can kill sheeps indeed.
> To reiterate that SSL/TLS are standards, they had version
> iterations, which possibly got around some real protocol problem.
> These offer standardized sets of ciphersuites, some of those, of
> the elder versions, are "no longer secure".  (I am no
> cryptographer to tell whether they ever were completely so, or
> whether there are "mathematical tricks" to get away without brute
> force for them.  That aside.)  That is basically it.  But, as far
> as i understand it, even TLSv1 supported forward-secrecy stuff, ie
>  # openssl ciphers -v EECDH+AESGCM:EECDH+AES256:CHACHA20:!DHE
> gives two members, and except for the SHA-1 MAC this looks pretty
> modern.  But again: i am far from being an expert.

TLS < 1.2 only supports a single signature algorithm, which uses SHA1-MD5 as 
Only TLS >= 1.2 supports the signature_algorithms extension to negotiate modern 

MD-5 is fully broken. SHA-1 is questionable. Their combination may withstand 
attacks a little bit longer, but probably not by much.

The MAC is actually fine, since it’s HMAC with SHA-1, which isn’t as affected 
by a SHA-1 collision attack [1].


Clemens Lang
RHEL Crypto Team
Red Hat

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