Hey everybody,
I have a task that I'm struggling with; could you help?
*Task*: I need to have a blacklist capability on all of my agents ( to 
alert, not block)
*Issue 1*: The blacklist contains over 700 IPs (currently) so creating a 
rule for each would (to me) seem taxing on the agent and server
*Issue 2*: The white list will contain over 200 IPs or 10 domains/subnets

   - Should I use a white list instead of the blacklist?
   - Has anybody on this list done this? 
   - What is the most practical method? 


   - I found an excellent example written by Anthony Kasza (*
   anthonykasza.webs.com/docs/honeyports.pdf)* but none of my agents will 
   be running nc.
   - I looked on this list and other great resources but do not have a good 

Thank you in advance for your time!


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