Hi all,

I am starting to use OSSEC so I may be doing something wrong here.

I have OSSEC installed as a server in my Linux VM and the Agent in my 
Windows Server 2012 VM.

My server has the default configuration plus this:

     <expect></expect> <!-- no expect args required -->



In my Server, using the agent_control I can see my agent is *active*

[root@gateway1-proxy bin]# ./agent_control -l

OSSEC HIDS agent_control. List of available agents:
ID: 000, Name: gateway1-proxy (server), IP:, Active/Local
ID: 001, Name: clearing-optimizer, IP: XX.XX.X.X, Active

With that, I believe my server and agent are communicating as expected.

In my server's log, I have a lot of:

2020/08/17 19:25:18 ossec-remoted: WARN: Duplicate error:  global: 22, 
local: 7947, saved global: 22, saved local:7948
2020/08/17 19:25:18 ossec-remoted(1407): ERROR: Duplicated counter for 

I have found an old post here in this group and applied the suggestion but 
the same error appears again after a while. I have also tried removing the 
agent and adding again, with a different ID and name but again, after a 
while, the error appears.

In my agent, I have the default configuration plus this:


So, in my understanding, this is sending any active-response event to the 
server, is that correct?

Also, another question, is there a way to trigger an event in my agent 
(Windows) so I can check if the server is receiving the notification 

Thank you.


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