Dana wrote:
"Yeah, I know what you're going to say... there are several meaningful
activites I could've used that could've strengthen their muscles but quite
frankly, exercises were more effective."

with all due respect (and i'm aware I may be focussing in too closely on a
particular statement in picking up on this point, if so sorry) Dana, this is
not always the case.....one example might be in the case of the therapist
working with the cognitively impaired person...where the environment
(social/physical/cultural) in which the therapeutic occupation takes place
is just as, if not more, important than the occupation itself....just
providing "components" of an occupation in this setting degrades the
synergistic effects of the occupational therapy as a whole...there are other
situations where the therapists' embracing of an environmental view of
health (ie balanced occupational engagement) is critical eg working with
people with Intellectual Disability, people with Dementia.



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