
I wasn't implying that exercise is better than occupation in all cases... BUT in SOME 
situations, its more effective to use exercise as a precursor to develop components in 
order to achieve the desired occupational performance. I wasn't arguing whether 
exercise is better than occupation. My point is that when the development of 
performance components (micro) is necessary for occupational performance (macro), 
referrals to PT is not necessary. If OTs want to be as holistic as we proclaim to be, 
we must be able to work at both the micro and macro level.


Dana Levinson, PhD
Project Manager
Rehab Science, Inc.

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002 06:53:52 +1000, David wrote:
>Dana wrote:
>"Yeah, I know what you're going to say... there are several
>activites I could've used that could've strengthen their muscles but
>frankly, exercises were more effective."
>with all due respect (and i'm aware I may be focussing in too
>closely on a
>particular statement in picking up on this point, if so sorry) Dana,
>this is
>not always the case.....one example might be in the case of the
>working with the cognitively impaired person...where the environment
>(social/physical/cultural) in which the therapeutic occupation takes
>is just as, if not more, important than the occupation itself....just
>providing "components" of an occupation in this setting degrades the
>synergistic effects of the occupational therapy as a whole...there
>are other
>situations where the therapists' embracing of an environmental view
>health (ie balanced occupational engagement) is critical eg working
>people with Intellectual Disability, people with Dementia.
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