Here's the problem, at least as I see it.

The  person that my wife talked about goes to our church, so I see her
every Sunday. I've never given her any feedback because even though my
wife  has  told  her  that  I  will  work  with her, she hasn't asked.
(Probably because of her OT experiences, so I don't blame her).

Anyway,  this  young  girl  basically  had  a  stroke. She has typical
hemiparesis  symptoms,  but  UE  and  LE.  As  we ALL know, the LE has
regained  much  better  function  than the UE. In fact, the girl walks
with  a  cane.  Her  UE  is basically useless. She has typical synergy
movement  and  can do some grasping, but to the best of my ability she
doesn't really use her affected arm for taking care of herself.

When  the  girl  was  in outpatient rehab, she desperately wanted to be
able to live a more normal life at home. She wanted to be able to care
for  and  hold her baby. But, there is NO way that was going to happen
by  trying  to  have  her  regain use of her UE. I don't care how many
hours  of therapy she received, no amount of therapy was going to bring
back  the function of her arm. Now, it's hard for people to hear that
a  therapist can't help their arm and it's hard for a therapist to say
I  can't help your arm, but that's the problem. So many OT's are stuck
in  the UE role!! It's all they know! They can't say that I can't help
you  because  then they wouldn't have anything to do!! Which of course
is dead wrong!!

What this girl needed her OT to do was to work with her on how to care
for herself and her family using only one arm and 1.5 legs. This would
require  the  therapist  to  simulate  the patient changing, carrying,
feeding and playing with a baby. My gosh, HOW HARD IS THIS!! You know,
get  a  stupid doll from wal-mart and have the patient practice!!! But
that  would  require that the OT be involved in mobility issues and as
we  all  know  that is the protected turf of PT! Bunk!!! that's what I
say.  How  in  the  world  can  you work on occupation from a stinkin'
chair, especially when the person if walking!! How stupid!!

In  my  opinion, OT's are reducing themselves to some sort of backseat
driver.  They  don't  take  a  leadership role because they don't have
anything  to offer, and the know it! As long as our treatment focus is
on  UE  then  that's  about  all we have to offer, stupid cones, pegs,
restorators, rickshaws, pegs, etc!!!

Enough  is  enough  with this stupid crap! We are killing ourselves by
acting  like  a  second-rate profession. But the sad reality is that's
what  we  are!!  At least in my experience in adult physical rehab! It
times like this that I hate being an OT!! It's embarrassing!!!

Disclaimer:  If  any of the above doesn't apply to you or your practice
then don't worry about it. There are lots of good OT's out there doing
a good job, but there are a lot more doing a crappy job!!


P.S. Chris, THIS is a rant!! :-)

CA> From: Caryn Carson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CA> Reply-To:
CA> To:
CA> Subject: Re: [OTlist] And Yet the "Saga" Continues
CA> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 15:33:29 -0500

>>I know... get the names of all the professors at this school and you
>>guys could email them the otnow link (only half joking). I often
>>wonder, not being an OT, only married to one, why is it that this
>>profession is so misunderstood? I would like to tell of an experience
>>with OT of my own. There is a young lady at my church that had an AVM.
>>She is still partially paralyzed in her right side. (Please forgive any
>>medical terminology errors). Anyway, she was doing outpatient rehab, OT
>>and PT. I volunteered to help in rides for her to therapy. I asked
>>her, what exactly is OT doing to help you re-learn how to cook, clean,
>>and take care of you children (she had a 3 month old when this all
>>happened), you know what her reply was? WORKING WITH CONES!! I said,
>>what the heck? Aren't they working with you to help you with your goals
>>of parenting? She said, that is how they are doing it. I asked if it
>>seemed like it was helping and she said she couldn't really answer me.
>>Fast forward 6 + months, she is now doing accupuncture, and outpatient
>>rehab OT/PT. She believes the accupuncture has helped her the most.
>>Anyway, I asked about the current therapy and they are still not working
>>on occupational deficits, only UE exercises. Now realize, she has
>>received therapy from 3 different rehab companies (major therapy corps)
>>and not one of them has worked with her on OT. Of course, Ron has
>>offered his services, but since he doesn't take her insurance, she
>>doesn't have the funds and won't let him do it free. I get so
>>frustrated, I have been so tempted to talk to the OT while I am waiting
>>to pick her up, but I know these cattle companies only want the OT's
>>doing it the way they see as most cost effective. I really feel for you
>>guys and wish there was an easy answer, but with the larger companies
>>running the show, I don't know if it will ever be practiced (as a whole)
>>in the way it was created.



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