Ron, I wish I knew why this mum is asking for inappropriate equipment.  At the 
moment there appears to be a 'competition' element in my area where one child 
gets a piece of equipment provided because they DO need it, and then the other 
mum's hear about it and insist that THEIR child also needs it.  Not all of the 
mum's do it but this one DOES.  We bang our heads against a brick wall trying 
to get her to 'see' that her daughter is able to manage these tasks and have 
had the child 'demonstrate' her ability in executing tasks.  I get the feeling 
that mum sees her daughter's not quite 'perfect' movements as being a reason 
for her to be highlighted as 'special'.  This is a mum who decided to put 
her daughter (who is in secondary school) in incontinence pants 'just in 
case' despite the fact that 1. her daughter is ambulatory 2. her daughter is 
independent in toileting.  There are some child protection concerns.

Sorry, not trying to shoot down your comments, I appreciate the input, it 
allows brainstorming... just getting a bit frustrated as it feels like our 
hands are tied (it doesn't help when the HOD says 'just give in, it's easier' 
when you know that it's not in the child's best interests).

Thanks again,


Is  there  anyway  that  you  can  safely  demonstrate  the risks of the
equipment?  Can  you SHOW the mom that the equipment is dangerous to the
child?  Perhaps  you can video the child using the equipment as a way to
clearly  document  your  recommendations to not get equipment. Also, are
you  SURE  that  the  mom is NOT correct? Why do you think the mom wants
equipment that you feel is inappropriate?





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