Veronica, IF I were you, I would NOT recommend the equipment and CLEARLY
document  why.  In my opinion, it's wrong to recommend equipment that in
your professional opinion is inappropriate.

I  would  NOT  cave to pressure from the mom. But, I would also take her
suggestions  into  consideration. If you have done this and still "know"
the equipment is inappropriate, do NOT recommend it!

Good luck,


----- Original Message -----
From: Veronica <>
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009
To: <>
Subj: [OTlist] Best practice

V> Ron, I wish I knew why this mum is asking for inappropriate
V> equipment.  At the moment there appears to be a 'competition' element
V> in my area where one child gets a piece of equipment provided because
V> they DO need it, and then the other mum's hear about it and insist
V> that THEIR child also needs it.  Not all of the mum's do it but this
V> one DOES.  We bang our heads against a brick wall trying to get her
V> to 'see' that her daughter is able to manage these tasks and have had
V> the child 'demonstrate' her ability in executing tasks.  I get the
V> feeling that mum sees her daughter's not quite 'perfect' movements as
V> being a reason for her to be highlighted as 'special'.  This is a mum
V> who decided to put her daughter (who is in secondary school) in
V> incontinence pants 'just in case' despite the fact that 1. her
V> daughter is ambulatory 2. her daughter is independent in toileting. 
V> There are some child protection concerns.

V> Sorry, not trying to shoot down your comments, I appreciate the
V> input, it allows brainstorming... just getting a bit frustrated as it
V> feels like our hands are tied (it doesn't help when the HOD says
V> 'just give in, it's easier' when you know that it's not in the child's best 

V> Thanks again,

V> Veronica

V> Is  there  anyway  that  you  can  safely  demonstrate  the risks of the
V> equipment?  Can  you SHOW the mom that the equipment is dangerous to the
V> child?  Perhaps  you can video the child using the equipment as a way to
V> clearly  document  your  recommendations to not get equipment. Also, are
V> you  SURE  that  the  mom is NOT correct? Why do you think the mom wants
V> equipment that you feel is inappropriate?

V> Thanks,

V> Ron

V> --
V> Options?

V> Archive?



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