Hi Bryan,

On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 07:59:21AM -0500, Bryan Fullerton wrote:
> >In $OTRS_HOME/var/cron/* are all cron jobs for the otrs user located.
> >
> >Its better to do the changes there, because on the next 
> >otrs-cron-reload
> >(bin/Cron.sh start) your changes of (crontab -e otrs...) are lost.
> Aren't the files there overwritten when someone upgrades? :)

Ok! ,-) I move this files ($OTRS_HOME/var/cron/*) to $OTRS_HOME/var/cron/*.dist.

 -=> The same as Kernel/Config.pm.dist! Copy to Kernel/Config.pm on setup.
      I add this info to the changes file... 

> I can't find anything that references otrs-cron-reload in the 
> distribution, is that new in CVS?

There is a new point (since 0.5 Beta8) in INSTALL.

10. Cronjobs for the OTRS user:
    There are several OTRS cronjobs in $OTRS_HOME/var/cron/*. Use
    $OTRS_HOME/bin/Cron.sh {start|stop|restart} to start or stop this cronjobs.

    >> Note: Install this cronjobs as OTRS user. <<

> I didn't use the bin/Cron.sh script because it's hardcoded to use 
> #!/bin/bash, which doesn't exist on my system. And the arguments to 

Ja! ;-/ I changed it on 3 weeks ago 
> crontab are different on my system (you have 'crontab $CRON_USER 
> $CRON_TMP_FILE' - with the crontab command in FreeBSD (all BSDs?) this 
> would need to be 'crontab -u $CRON_USER $CRON_TMP_FILE', unless you're 
> running it as the otrs user in which case it's just 'crontab 

I think it's the same (also on BSD). "crontab -u $CRON_USER $CRON_TMP_FILE" if 
root use it and "crontab $CRON_TMP_FILE" if the normal user use it.

$CRON_USER is empty in bin/Cron.sh.

> BTW, I notice bin/Cron.sh uses /tmp for it's temporary file instead of 
> $HOME/var/tmp - why is that?

Thanks! I changed it.

> Bryan


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> - http://martin.edenhofer.de/
"The number of Unix installations has grown to 10, with more expected."
                      The Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972

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