Hi Peter,

On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 01:55:34PM +0200, web4.hm - Peter Padberg wrote:
> After I install otrs I get a lot of this in my Apache-errorlog:
> <snip>
> [Sun Jul 13 13:49:19 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
> ../..//Kernel/System/Ticket/Number/DateChecksum.pm
> [Sun Jul 13 13:49:19 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
> ../..//Kernel/System/Log/File.pm
> [...]

> Have someone an idea what happens wrong on my system?
> It is a SuSE8.1 with rpm-Apache,rpm-MySQL and without postfix,
> but with qmail.
> It seems that otrs is working without any errors (accept the thoussands
> entries in the errorlog).

Normally mod_perl compiles the perl modules on statup. If you change or 
update one module (e. g. Kernel/Config.pm changes) you need to restart 
your httpd to get the changes working.  

Apache::StatINC check new modules everytime (of course you have to pay 
with performance .-) and you will not use Apache::StatINC in a high
productiv system (see otrs docu)).

Remove it from your /opt/otrs/scripts/apache-httpd.include.conf, change
it to:

#PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC

and restart your webserver. 

Remeber to restart your webserver after perl module changes. 
> Viele Gruesse,
> Peter.


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> - http://martin.edenhofer.de/
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