Hi Martin!

Am Son, 2003-07-13 um 14.44 schrieb Martin Edenhofer:
> Normally mod_perl compiles the perl modules on statup. If you change or 
> update one module (e. g. Kernel/Config.pm changes) you need to restart 
> your httpd to get the changes working.  
That´s right.

> Apache::StatINC check new modules everytime (of course you have to pay 
> with performance .-) and you will not use Apache::StatINC in a high
> productiv system (see otrs docu)).
I only wonder why I have so much entries in my errorlog.
And when I made something wrong I try to fix it.

> Remove it from your /opt/otrs/scripts/apache-httpd.include.conf, change
> it to:
> #PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
When I installed otrs as a rpm-file,
there was no fault that perl-StatINC is missing at mine system.

But there are now no more errors in the errorlog.

Vielen Dank für den Tip!!!


PS: Schon manchmal komisch, das sich 2 Deutsche auf englisch

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