
since I upgraded OTRS from 1.1.1 to 1.1.3, all messages are displayed 
without any line breaks. The same messages that were in the system before, 
both those that came in, as those we sended.
I tested this in Mozilla 1.4 and Konqueror.

I see that the messages are defined as <div class="message">
and in the style section that is defined as:
.message { color:#000000;font-size:12px;font-family:monospace, fixed; } 

In the source the messages are written with line breaks, but without any 
<BR>, <PRE> or so.

What could be wrong? And where should I apply fix?


Free University - Free Software !
Vrije Universiteit - Vrije Software !

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                   Richard Stallman, Free Software Foundation.
Frederik Questier
Onderwijs Service Centrum
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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