Hello: I am using LDAP for the customer queue. I can successfully search 
for a customer, and create a phone call /new ticket. Once it is created, 
I then open the ticket, and zoom. The customerID is not 
being displayed (its set to 'mail' in the config.pm file) and at the 
same time in the 'admin-area' there are no customers  inside the 
'customer user management' section........can you please give me some insight on the 
also i get this error when i try to add user from the customer management section: 
Traceback: ERROR: OTRS-CGI-23 Perl: 5.8.0 OS: linux Time: Mon Aug 23 08:47:28 2004

Message: Not supported for this module!

Traceback (1373): 
Module: Kernel::System::CustomerUser::LDAP::CustomerUserAdd (v1.15) Line: 256
Module: Kernel::System::CustomerUser::CustomerUserAdd (v1.17) Line: 156
Module: Kernel::Modules::AdminCustomerUser::Run (v1.9 ) Line: 140
Module: ModPerl::ROOT::ModPerl::Registry::opt_otrs_bin_cgi_2dbin_index_2epl::handler 
(v) Line: 688
Module: (eval) (v1.66) Line: 187
Module: ModPerl::RegistryCooker::run (v1.66) Line: 187
Module: ModPerl::RegistryCooker::default_handler (v1.66) Line: 159
Module: ModPerl::Registry::handler (v1.99) Line: 16


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