On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 09:27:31AM +0100, EXT / CAP GEMINI LEBLANC Bastien 
> Thank you all for your answer, I will try to ask for a new adress...
> One additionnal question, what is for your the advantage of fetchmail and 
> procmail compared to pop3? 

fetchmail (http://fetchmail.berlios.de/) fetches mails from pop3- or

For testing reasons I can configure fetchmail what it should do.
- I can fetch all mails from the server and delete them.
- I can keep them on the server (and fetch only new mails)
- I can use ssl and tsl encryption
- run as daemon or cron
- authentication via ssl-certificates possible

With procmail (http://www.procmail.org/) you can pipe mails through a

This ruleset can be used to 
- pipe mails through spamassassin
- pipe mails through anti-virus-tools
- deliver mails to various destinations (in copy, as forward, as
bounce, ...) based on regular expressions or other filters
- sort mails into a folder structure or different mailboxes on the
filesystem or imap-storage
- modify messages (headers, content, ...)

I like them both.

For testing  reasons (testing my otrs-filter to sort mails into
queues) I can advice fetchmail to get all mails from my pop3-account
and keep them there. When I test my filters again, I can reuse my
still existing mails on the pop3-account. Nice.

: Please answer below the quote, use a realname and
: use plain-text (no HTML).
: Thank you.

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