

I'm running OTRS 2.1.7, and I've been having a problem with Apache failing.
So I want to upgrade to 2.2 hoping this might fix it.   What this entails is
backing up the MySQL database, uninstalling the current version of OTRS, and
then reinstalling the new one, making sure to copy over my config files.  


Now, I'm not knowledgeable of MySQL at all, so I want to use a user-friendly
application to work with the database in order to avoid errors.  I
downloaded and installed MySQL tools from the MySQL website, and the
Administrator tool is picking up the MySQL database using the default OTRS
Username and Password.  The Administrator isn't connecting to the database
correctly however, when I so into User Administration, I get the following


'A MySQL error was encountered.  The message is: Could not fetch user names.
The following error occurred:  SELECT command denied to user
'otrs'@'localhost' for table 'user' (1142). 


As far as I can find out, this means that the proper user privileges have
not been set for the database, but I don't know how to fix this, or how to
adjust and save the correct config files. 


If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.





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