Steve Clark wrote:

RHEL 4.x.

I not exactly sure I understand what you mean by no real danger. I can just untar the new
2.2.4 tar file on top of my existing installation?

Right now I installed 2.2.3 using the tar file since I didn't see any rpms for RHEL 4.x. So now I have a directory tree /opt/otrs-2.2.3/ with a symbolic link /opt/ otrs pointing to /opt/otrs-2.2.3.

When I untar 2.4.4 in /opt it creates its own directory tree so I also have /opt/otrs-2.2.4.

It seems to me looking at the changelog that not a lot of files were changed. If there was an upgrade procedure to just update those file it would be great. Or do I have to redo all the things for a complete
install in 2.4.4 tree.

If you use the .tar.gz, you will find a file called UPGRADING in there. That should have the instructions you're looking for. But yeah, there's no database upgrade script needed for 2.2.3 to 2.2.4.

Nils Breunese.

P.S. I'm using the rpm on CentOS 4 myself, you could use the rpm on RHEL 4 and upgrading would be even easier than using the tarball.

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