Hello All,


I configured otrs once before, but it has been a while and there are a
few things I cannot remember.  


1.      when I created a queue, and modified ticket, I see the following
message in the log:

Sent email to 'OTRS Feedback <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'OTRS Management
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendCustomerNotification, Subject =>
Re: [Ticket#1010001] New Queue "CentOS"


2.      For Some reason I cannot get OTRS to actually send messages to
my email account.  I can send mail from the root prompt via echo "Test
Message  x.x.x.x" | sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I cannot get any mail
from within OTRS, I must be missing something.


3.      How do I change the mail from going to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to have
it go to myself.


4.      Also, when selecting messages for bulk operation, It prompts me
hit "OK for bulk Action", I cannot remember where in the configuration
file to disable that message.  



Thanks in advance for any help on these 2 problems ( for now)




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