I'm going to bite the bullet and finally try to upgrade off of 1.3.x up to
the latest version.

Since the 2.3.2 UPGRADING instructions say they're for those going from 2.2
to 2.3 I imagine I'm going to have to upgrade from 1.3 to 2.0 then to 2.1
then to 2.2 and finally 2.3.  That's fine.

But the 2.0 UPGRADING instructions start off by saying...

> These instructions are for people upgrading OTRS from "1.3" to "2.0".
> *) Stop all your services (e. g. rcotrs stop-force)

When I try to enter "rcotrs stop-force" my OTRS system replies...

-bash: rcotrs: command not found

Help?   Thanks.

Wes Plate
 Automatic Duck, Inc.

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