I had a problem recently where my upgrade from OTRS 1.3.x to 2.3.2 failed
but then I wasn't able to get back to my 1.3.x backup.

I had dumped the original OTRS MySQL database to a 2.3GB .sql file and
thought that was an adequate backup so I foolishly dropped the db from the
system.  When trying to recover back to 1.3.x MySQL would fail to import the
.sql file.  I didn't get any meaningful error messages, just and error.

We finally got the DB back up by splitting the large .sql file into separate
files for each table and importing them separately.  Some records still had
problems, it seemed that some of the records in article_plain were too big,
as the import would die on some large entries so we just skipped those and
continued on.

It took some work but the original OTRS setup is back.

I still hope to get upgraded to the latest version, but we'll hold off for a
bit.  When we do we'll do it on a Virtual Machine where we can easily try
different strategies as well as easily roll back when things don't work.

Wes Plate
 Automatic Duck, Inc.

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