Anyone out there?

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Alan McKay<> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I'm running CentOS 5.3, and with "yum install otrs" I pick up :
> otrs-2.1.7-2.el5
> I restart my Apache web server and try to go to /otrs/ on this
> machine, and it tells me Permission Denied.  No big deal, I go into
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/otrs.conf and set "Allow from all" for the moment.
> Restart my Apache server and I'm in business.
> OK, great, now I can actually run /otrs/   It goes
> through the installer just fine and then takes me up to the part where
> I'm finished and I'm at the initial login screen.   Here I enter a
> UN/PW and when I hit the button to log in, it tries to download
> instead of run it!
> I don't get it because the installer ran just fine.  My apache is
> pretty vanilla from Yum for this release of CentOS.   I have mod_perl
> installed and it creates a file /etc/httpd/conf.d/perl.conf which I
> renamed to /etc/httpd/conf.d/a-perl.conf to make sure it gets read
> first (alphabetical).  So all pretty vanilla stuff here.
> I also uncommented all of these lines from that perl.conf and
> restarted apache, but same problem.  The first one was already
> uncommented from the RPM
> LoadModule perl_module modules/
> AddHandler mod_perl .pl
> AddType text/html .pl
> DirectoryIndex
> Why does the installer run fine when it is .pl files, but the the
> system itself does not run?   It tries to download the files.
> thanks,
> -Alan
> --
> “Don't eat anything you've ever seen advertised on TV”
>         - Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food"

“Don't eat anything you've ever seen advertised on TV”
         - Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food"
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