Use otrs/bin/otrs.setPassword to change the password for r...@localhost


On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Lev Davidovich
<> wrote:
> I managed to get Admin pebrmissions for my machine at last!
> I emptied out the base otrs directory and replaced the files with files from
> the 2.2.5 version. I then changed the Config file to the one from the live
> server and tried to log in but it won't let me log on as r...@localhost !
> Any idea what I should do?
> Thanks
> ________________________________
> From: Rory <>
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. <>
> Sent: Friday, 11 September, 2009 12:32:35
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
> 1) Yes, its the apache service that you need to stop. You minght also
> want to stop the Cron Service as that could also be accessing files
> and prevent you from deleting them.
> Have a look at the system log in your event viewer to see what the
> error is when you try to stop the apache service. If you can't stop
> the service its not a big deal, it just one less thing to consider if
> something doesn't work.
> The commands for stopping and starting services from the command line are;
> net stop <service_name>
> net start <service_name>
> You can get the service name from looking at the properties of the
> service. Its the very first line that you can't edit in the
> properties. You might find the runas command useful too, the syntax
> is;
> runas /user:<domain>\<username> "<command>"
> It will then ask you for your password and the command will run as the
> user you specified.
> 2) It doesn't really make much difference whether you copy from the
> live or if you extract the fresh download. The only reason I'd suggest
> a copy from live is that you have an exact copy of your live system.
> But if you havn't made any changes other than the then it
> doesn't matter.
> 3) I'm not sure why you were haveing the problem deleting files from
> your home machine. Maybe it was because the apache, mysql and cron
> services were running. If you have this trouble again I can tell you
> how to change the directory that apache server looks in for your files
> so that you can copy/extract the files to a different directory and
> still have everything work.
> It does sound like your IT department has set you up with permissions
> that are almost but not quite administrator.
> Try to add a user to the machine yourself and add put them into the
> administrator group. That way you're sure to have local administrator
> rights. If you can't do that then you don't have full admin rights.
> Take it easy,
> Rory
> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
> 2009/9/11 Lev Davidovich <>:
>> Thanks a lot Rory - thanks to you and the others the finishing line seems
>> to
>> be in sight!
>> Just a couple of things to clarify:
>> 1) Is it the "Apache" server I am supposed to stop in "Services" of
>> "Administrative Tools" of "Control Panel"? I tired to stop it but am given
>> a
>> message that I have no access although our IT department was supposed to
>> have given me full admin rights on this machine. Is there a way of doing
>> this through the command line using my admin password? In any case I have
>> asked IT to reexamine my admin rights so they are in the process of doing
>> so.
>> 2) My base otrs directory seems to be C:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS which
>> contains all the subdirectories you mention. When you say
>> "Now you can copy the same directory from the live server and drop it in
>> here."
>> Is this better than doing what Michael said which was to download the
>> 2.2.5
>> version from the download servers and unzip it in that directory - or is
>> it
>> virtually the same thing?
>> 3) As a trial run I tried to delete the directories from the copy of OTRS
>> in
>> my laptop at home (Windows) but got messages that I could not delete
>> certain
>> files like "" - is this likely to happen now and or is that also a
>> matter of permissions which should hopefully be sorted out by our IT
>> department? And if I do get such messages should I carry on regardless
>> with
>> copying everything else over or should I stop and restore the original
>> version?
>> Thanks so much! :-)
>> ________________________________
>> From: Rory <>
>> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. <>
>> Sent: Friday, 11 September, 2009 9:23:32
>> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
>> I think you can be pretty confident that the dump worked. 93 tables is
>> pretty promising.
>> You could run a select query on the first 50 tickets in both the live
>> and test databases and see that the output is the same.
>> SELECT tn,title FROM ticket LIMIT 50;
>> That should be enough to confirm that you have the right list of
>> tickets loaded. You can always leave out the limit or increase it if
>> you want more. In fact if you leave out the limit it will tell you the
>> number of rows output at the end. You could do that on both to make
>> sure you have the same number of tickets.
>> To clear out the files of otrs application firstly make sure your web
>> server is stopped then simply remove everything from the base otrs
>> directory. For me this is F:\wwwroot\otrs-2.4.1\ on my windows server.
>> The sub directories are bin, doc, Kernel, scripts, var. Delete or move
>> everything from there.
>> Now you can copy the same directory from the live server and drop it in
>> here.
>> Remember, as Michiel said,
>>>Copy from the server to your Windows box
>>>but make sure you add the following line to it:
>>>$Self->{'SendmailModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Email::DoNotSendEmail';
>> Once you've done that start up your webserver and try to connect. With
>> any luck you'll be able to log in straight away with the same username
>> you use on the live server.
>> Rory
>> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
>> 2009/9/10 Lev Davidovich <>:
>>> Hi Rory the MySQL Dump version is 10.9 and the Create Database line was
>>> not
>>> there in the dump file.
>>> I created the database named otrs and then imported the dump. I think it
>>> has
>>> worked because when I did a
>>> 'show tables from otrs'
>>> query from the command prompt on my test machine  93 tables were
>>> displayed.
>>> How do I test to make sure that the import has worked?
>>> How do I now go about cleaning the otrs/otrs directory before unzipping
>>> the
>>> 2.2 version there as per Michael's instructions?
>>> Thannks a lot
>>> Best
>>> Lev
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Rory <>
>>> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. <>
>>> Sent: Thursday, 10 September, 2009 15:24:33
>>> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
>>> Have a look at the otsr.sql file in notepad (or a better text editor
>>> if you have one).
>>> I just did a dump from my own otrs DB and this is the start of the file;
>>> ##########################
>>> -- MySQL dump 10.13  Distrib 5.1.35, for Win32 (ia32)
>>> --
>>> -- Host: localhost    Database: otrs
>>> -- ------------------------------------------------------
>>> -- Server version    5.1.35-community-log
>>> /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
>>> /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;
>>> /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;
>>> */;
>>> /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */;
>>> --
>>> -- Current Database: `otrs`
>>> --
>>> CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `otrs` /*!40100 DEFAULT
>>> CHARACTER SET utf8 */;
>>> USE `otrs`;
>>> --
>>> -- Table structure for table `article`
>>> --
>>> ################################
>>> Firstly my version of mysqldump is 10.13 so if you're using an earlier
>>> version it might do things a little differently.
>>> Secondly there's the line to CREATE DATABASE `otrs` if it doesn't
>>> exist. Is this line in your dump?
>>> If its there it should create the database but maybe its acting up. If
>>> its not there then you'll have to create the database and then tell
>>> mysql to use it when you are importing the database i.e.
>>> mysql -D otrs -u root -p < C:\otrsdump\otrs.sql
>>> Note: The option to specify the database is -D for the mysql command
>>> but it is -B for mysqldump. I keep getting those confused.
>>> Rory
>>> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
>>> 2009/9/10 Lev Davidovich <>:
>>>> Thank you so much Rory.
>>>> The deletion of the 2.4.4 database and the dump of the live database
>>>> went
>>>> pretty smoothly.
>>>> But I have got stuck trying to import the dump (which is called
>>>> "otrs.sql").
>>>> I have gone to the bin directory of the mysql install and typed
>>>> mysql -u root -p < C:\otrsdump\otrs.sql
>>>> was asked for and typed my password and got message "Error - no database
>>>> selected".
>>>> So then I typed
>>>> mysql -u root -p otrs< C:\otrsdump\otrs.sql
>>>> was asked for and typed my password and got message "Error - unknown
>>>> database 'otrs' ".
>>>> Do I need to create a database called otrs first and then import the
>>>> dump
>>>> into it?
>>>> Thanks a lot
>>>> Lev
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: Rory <>
>>>> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. <>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 9 September, 2009 15:48:30
>>>> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
>>>> If I remember correctly, you access mysql  from the command line i.e.
>>>> mysql -u root -p
>>>> Once you've done that type,
>>>> show databases;
>>>> This will give you a list of databases in your database server. Pick
>>>> the otrs one (I think its just called otrs)
>>>> Type in,
>>>> drop database otrs;
>>>> This will delete your otrs database.
>>>> Once that is done go to your live server.
>>>> At the command line type (again check the database name first),
>>>> mysqldump -B otrs -u root -p > otrsdump.sql
>>>> This will dump your otrs database to the file otrsdump.sql. The nice
>>>> think about the dump file is that it is full of sql commands to
>>>> recreate your database. So you simply need to run it through mysql on
>>>> your test server to recreate your database.
>>>> So copy the otrsdump.sql file to your test server.
>>>> Now at the command line of your test server type,
>>>> mysql -u root -p < otrsdump.sql
>>>> The -p option to the mysql and mysqldump commands means you're using a
>>>> password. If the -p is followed by a space it will ask you for the
>>>> password on the next line so you can't see it written on the command
>>>> line for security.
>>>> The mysql and mysqldump commands may not be in your path. In that case
>>>> change to the bin directory of the mysql install and run the command
>>>> from there using the absolute path for the output/input file.
>>>> Let us know how you get on with that.
>>>> Rory
>>>> Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society
>>>> 2009/9/9 Lev Davidovich <>:
>>>>> "What you could do is download the latest version of the Windows
>>>>> installer of OTRS, drop the mysql database, and load your backup
>>>>> database from live, clean the /otrs/otrs directory and unzip the 2.2
>>>>> version you would like to use there."
>>>>> Please explain to me in more detail how to "drop the mysql database,
>>>>> and
>>>>> load your backup database from live".
>>>>> Is this something I do after the installation, or during it?
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: Michiel Beijen <>
>>>>> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. <>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 9 September, 2009 11:12:31
>>>>> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
>>>>> Lev,
>>>>> Yes, there are no longer windows INSTALLERS of 2.2 otrs available,
>>>>> because of issues with one of the bundled components.
>>>>> On the download servers you can download every source version back to
>>>>> 0.5
>>>>> beta!
>>>>> []
>>>>> What you could do is download the latest version of the Windows
>>>>> installer of OTRS, drop the mysql database, and load your backup
>>>>> database from live, clean the /otrs/otrs directory and unzip the 2.2
>>>>> version you would like to use there.
>>>>> Copy from the server to your Windows box
>>>>> but make sure you add the following line to it:
>>>>> $Self->{'SendmailModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Email::DoNotSendEmail';
>>>>> this because your copy system will not be sending escalations out for
>>>>> tickets that are long closed on live ;-)
>>>>> (available since otrs 2.2.6)
>>>>> and you should probably also look into how OTRS fetches mails from the
>>>>> server on your live system. If you use pop or imap as defined in the
>>>>> Admin web user interface, you might want to edit crontab to NOT run
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> MIchiel
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Lev
>>>>> Davidovich<>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Michael. I am inclined to go down the VMWare route that both
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> Rory and others suggest but I am not having much luck convincing the
>>>>>> decision makers here!
>>>>>> The consensus seems to be that it is OK as a long term project but
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the short term what we need is a quick database dump followed by
>>>>>> import
>>>>>> into
>>>>>> a copy of OTRS running on Windows.
>>>>>> Just to be clear about what you are saying -
>>>>>> are you saying it is no longer possible to download  versions of OTRS
>>>>>> earlier than 2.3 x and install them on Windows? Or is it
>>>>>> only AUTOMATIC
>>>>>> installers that it is no longer possible to download?
>>>>>> Where can I find an automatic installer for version 2.3 x?
>>>>>> I could still download version 2.2.5 from
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> install it manually (using the instructions that Afshar Mohebbi has
>>>>>> posted
>>>>>> )
>>>>>> - is that correct?
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> From: Michiel Beijen <>
>>>>>> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS. <>
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 9 September, 2009 10:36:46
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [otrs] Install OTRS 2.2.5 on Windows XP machine
>>>>>> Hi Lev,
>>>>>> Due to licensing issues there are no longer old Windows installers
>>>>>> earlier than 2.3.x available for download.
>>>>>> Afshar Mohebbi has posted instructions for setting up OTRS on Windows;
>>>>>> (but this is with Microsoft SQL Server, you should just install MySQL
>>>>>> instead)
>>>>>> I guess it would be good to also have instructions for manual
>>>>>> installation on Windows...
>>>>>> Depending on your situation you could also install VMWare on your XP
>>>>>> workstation with linux, just as on your server. Then you would have a
>>>>>> real test environment; which you can also use to test out upgrades or
>>>>>> so.
>>>>>> VMWare Server is available at no charge. VMWare workstation costs a
>>>>>> little more but has lots of good features.
>>>>>> Myself, I use VMWare server ;-)
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Michiel.
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 11:18 AM, Lev
>>>>>> Davidovich<>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi I want to install OTRS 2.2.5 on a Windows XP test machine as that
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> version we have on the live server.
>>>>>>> The automatic installer on the following page
>>>>>>> is only for the latest version.
>>>>>>> Is there an automatic installer I can find for installing 2.2 on
>>>>>>> Windows?
>>>>>>> Rory was kind enough to point out the following page with downloads
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> earlier versions
>>>>>>> but downloading 2.2.5 from here would require a manual install on
>>>>>>> Windows.
>>>>>>> I can't seem to find instructions to manually install version 2.2 on
>>>>>>> Windows.
>>>>>>> I have, however, found instructions to manually install version 1.3
>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>> Windows on the following page.
>>>>>>> Is there a page with similar instructions for version 2.2 or will the
>>>>>>> instructions for 1.3 be able to do the job for me?
>>>>>>> Thanks for your help
>>>>>>> Lev
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